So You Think You Are A Marketer ?

The Creative Marketer
Marketing Right Now
4 min readDec 1, 2019

If I were pitching a new client for my agency, and I had to list the 5 most important things I would want them to know about marketing in a 24/7, always-on world it would go like this :

Firstly and most importantly, utilize your day by cutting down on all the time you waste. People think you have to give up sleep to give up for the grind. So many people are looking for success and the question is what you are doing when u are awake and how are you maximizing your time then. How much time do you spend of countless hours scrolling aimlessly on social media? How many times do you hold hour and half meetings which could have been accomplished in seventeen minutes? Utilize your time, eliminate wasting time, live and be present.

Secondly, take advantage and invest your brand in “underpriced real estate” which refers to networks and platforms in their early growth stage. This message has always been applicable. Back in 2010, this meant creating a strong platform on Instagram, where they were in their early stages. In 2019 it can mean utilizing your presence on TikTok, which Gary Vee compares this oppertunity to buying Manhattan in 1898.

Thirdly soak everything in, be aware of your surroundings, keep reading an watching everything that goes on around you. Being a marketer in a 24/7, always-on world means you have to be aware of everything at al times. That may entail having eyes behind your head. If that is the case than do so. You have to be up on your game, bright eyed and alive! So much is changing and you do not want to miss anything. Nothing is better than you being the one discovering, reporting, or producing something new before anyone else had a chance to release it. Everything is a matter of time, soak it all in while it is fresh.

“Fake it until you make it”; is probably one of the most useful pieces of information I have ever received in my entire life. You see, people do not know where you stand, they are all consumed in their own lives. So when you are trying to sell your brand, stay focused on your end result and people will respect you. Just make it sound like you know what you are talking about, even if you are only 70% the way there . This can be applied to all areas of your life, but is extremely pertinent when it comes to marketing. The item or idea will only sell itself if you are confident that it will. Remember, drop your ego. Nobody has time to put up with that.

The fifth and last piece of advice I would offer is : “keep releasing content”. One of the greatest blockages that prevents us from reaching our potential is communicating our brand on social networks.We have to bridge that gap from us to the world by expanding ourselves and what we have to offer to mankind understand what prevents us from building a brand. If you think that you are posting too much on social media, you are wrong. The brilliance of social media such as instagram is that it will only show you what you would like to see, and that is how they make money. Social Networks work on a merit system and only show people what they want to see. So do not be nervous that people will be overwhelmed with your content and be disinterested. There for, do not overthink and just keep posting with out being shy.

