Social Media Fakery

Aaron Goldmeier
Marketing Right Now
2 min readSep 22, 2019

When signing up for promotions or online programs, it has come to the point where companies need to ask you if you are a robot in order to continue.

How crazy is that? Technology is so advanced that robots are running around social media and the internet creating fake accounts and data for companies. Even though robots are not taking over the world, which many people are worried about, they are starting to take over the internet! This should probably be scaring people and definitely marketers and businesses.

Data is so important for large companies and a great deal of which comes from social media channels. As marketers, I think we should definitely be afraid of what is happening because so many companies make most of their decisions from online research.

We need to make sure that this is not happening…

Marketers should be more careful when analyzing their brand’s social media accounts because a great deal of engagement could be from robots. I think it is possible that soon enough, marketers are going to have to search out the real engagements on social media like Will Smith above in the movie, “I, Robot”.

Research is so critical when making decisions for a company’s marketing strategy. If the wrong decisions are being made due to a large number of robots online, many companies will have the potential to lose market share and engagement because of it.

The immense growth of technology nowadays is incredible, but we as marketers also have to be careful. We have to make sure we are picking out the right people from the wrong, or fake!

