Sony PS 3: It only does everything.

Rishabh Nautiyal
Marketing Right Now
3 min readNov 6, 2021

Sony Company utilizes its broad strategy to achieve market share and revenue in the marketplaces of gadgets, games, recreation, finance, and insurance. Until 1946, Sony has been a consumer technology firm, the biggest on the globe. Nowadays, no business in consumer devices has such a solid tradition and development as Sony. Sony Corporation is 2nd in electronic goods. Sony had already initiated a set of revolutionary technologies because it was founded relatively soon, within a week of the Second World War, along with the portable radio, Trinitron TV, Cassette tape VCR, Music player, portable media player Walkman and PlayStation game controller.

An example of a brand that I paid more for would be the PlayStation brand for the PS3. When it first came out, it was more expensive than both of its competitors. It cost more than both the Wii and the Xbox 360. However, the brand won me over because of the system’s games and user interface. In comparison to the Xbox 360 and Wii, I believe the UI was more user-friendly. In comparison to its competitors, it was more streamlined and simpler to navigate.

They were able to establish their worth on the PS3 because their online gaming platform was free. Playing games online was free, which was an improvement over the Xbox’s yearly membership model. Not only that, but the PlayStation 3’s hardware was significantly superior to the Xbox 360s. As a result, even though the PS3 was more expensive, it was the most cutting-edge gaming system available of the three offered.

Apparently, Sony had conducted what the Kerin text calls “skimming price” for the PS3. In essence, the firm increases the price as much as it can. The strategy is that enough prospective customers will purchase the product for the high initial price in order to make the sales profitable; the high price will not attract competitors; lowering the price only has a minor effect on increasing sales volume and reducing costs, and customers judge the high price to be highly valuable. Sony launched the PS3 with a price point of $599 but managed to skim the price by releasing it at a higher than usual price point at first, then gradually lowering it over time. The company gained value for their product by showcasing their hardware as being the best in class for that generation, having a variety of games, and allowing their online gaming to be free.

In conclusion, the world may be moving toward mobile, but the PS Vita ( Sony’s latest and greatest hand-held gaming device) is an imposing gaming machine that can connect directly to your PS3. However, if you want hand-held games, Microsoft still has some serious catching up to do.



Rishabh Nautiyal
Marketing Right Now

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