Swaddles- 100% there when I needed them.

Rivka Szafranski
Marketing Right Now
3 min readNov 12, 2021

There’s a local “mom and pop” baby store in my neighborhood called Swaddles. At first glance, it looks beautiful with cribs and strollers, and bedding and like an ideal place to shop. However, when you step inside and start looking at the price tags, you might need to think twice about whether this is the best place for you to get everything for your baby needs. Swaddles struggling with building trust because how can new moms and dads buy from a store that less on display than a large shop like Buy Buy Baby, and charges prices that are significantly higher than the larger department stores.

I’d venture to say that the way Swaddles stays afloat is through the trust they have built with their loyal customers and through the word of mouth that these customers share with their friends and family. Before I had my second child, I decided to go into the store and check it out, to see if there was anything I could find that would meet my needs and somehow fall into my price point. I was looking to purchase a crib for my upcoming baby as well as a dresser with a changing table top. While I didn’t find anything in the store that would work for me, I did find something online from a company that they carried in the store. When I asked them about the product, they told me that they would not only get the product for me, not only price match, but they would also give me a significant 15% discount on it (for an expensive item like those, that’s a pretty good discount).

You might think this is the end of the story, but they went so much further than that. I ordered the crib and dresser from them and they told me I would get it within 6 weeks, which was perfect, right before my baby was set to arrive. However, with all the shipping delays going on my item was significantly delayed. They went above and beyond, calling the shipping company and dock to see if my item could be taken off the boat just for me so that I would have my crib by the time I needed it. They told me they would give me free delivery AND installation (huge deal, because putting these things together is impossible)! Not only that, but when they did everything they could to get the crib to me on time and it was just impossible, I asked them what I should do? They responded, well we’re not going to let you have a baby without a crib! We’ll give you a temporary crib from one of our in-store models, we’ll set it all up for you, and when your crib arrives we’ll take out the old one and put in the new one! That is literally exactly what they did.

I was floored. The customer service they had was unbelievable. The fact that they went to everything length to make sure that I had the crib I needed when my baby was born was incredible. They understood my needs at the fullest intent, they knew exactly what I needed and that I couldn’t be stuck without a crib when my baby was born.

They built 100% trust with me as a customer. I can confidently say that I shared this story with others and that in turn built more trust with other people who decided to shop with them as well. The built a brand that will always be there for their customers and who know that they can rely on them because they will never get “stuck” without the items they need.

Major props to Swaddles! You guys are awesome!

If you want to shop at Swaddles like I did, feel free to check them out here: https://www.swaddlesbaby.com Their customer service is incredible, I highly recommend visiting them in store in Teaneck, NJ.

