The end is here

The Future Marketer
Marketing Right Now
2 min readDec 18, 2019

Reflecting on this last semester it’s hard to put into words all the important things I have learnt.

Coming into this course I thought I knew what marketing was, but that changed fast!! I thought marketing was technical things and just figuring out where to market products. But i quickly learn it was so much more!! I learnt how amazing marketing is because it is not just technical things, but it can also be creative and fun.

My favorite thing I learnt in the course was that we need to learn to put our minds in our customers minds. As much as we think we know best, it’s not all about us, its about the customer and what they would enjoy.


Although that was my favorite thing, probably the most important thing I learnt was to STAY FOCUSED!!!

We have learnt over and over again that the world keeps changing, and if a marketer doesn't stay focused and keep changing with the times, they will fail in their business.

Lastly, I have learnt to tell a story through marketing. Tapping into others emotions are key, and it gets people to stay interested in what you have to stay.

All in all this course was amazing and has made me so much more excited to be a marketer!!! The things a marketer can do and the levels they can reach are beyond incredible:)

