The Mirage World: How Fake Data Plays Into A Masquerade

Zaira Mansoor
Marketing Right Now
2 min readFeb 10, 2022

Today’s world, the modern world, is influenced and operated through and by technology. Modern technology is not only used for personal utility, the rapid increase of technology has progressed the business industries in recent times, more recent in the past decade. The heaviest influence of the modern business decisions and organizational structure rely on the use of said technology, for data and analytics, which program models to be implemented, strategies to take place and risks to be assessed. This heavy dependence on technology leads to sensitivity in the nature of data-based decisions and costs.

The utility of immense data leads to a rising and synonymous need of data management. Data analysis, merely, for the need of business decisions is a growing phenomenon which leads to business’ rise or downfall. As with every other innovation, technology, tool or development or growth of something with potential, the data management and the collection of data can be affected in an inverse way. The jobs of marketers have been in a disarray, as to what they should and can access from certain statistics which may be inauthentic. The marketers can have their job done, provide excellent figures and engagements too following these trends of fake bots.

The rising data inaccuracies, resulting from fake bots, fraudulent social media accounts and so on, further diminishes the value of the data which is being collected. The false data collection and analysis can harm a business’ growth, as the data incurred is not what the true grounds of customers and their perceptions, buying patterns and influence on a brand, products or services truly are.

The jobs of marketers, and the correction of the existing trend, is more crucial now than ever. Marketers must look out for patterns, numbers and statistics which can indicate and identify a fake, fraudulent or bot presence. The tools to investigate and compare figures and performance of businesses, if there are any numbers which show an unnatural and an unexpected rise or fall, should be carefully examined and assessed as to what factors could affect said figures. There can be security setups, as we see in modern websites and products, that prevent bots from filling up forms and provide inaccurate data. As a whole, the examination of data itself should be more preventative rather than indulging with the figures.

