The New Stalkers of Today, That You Should Be Aware Of!
Stalkers. Many are familiar with the term. Your mind might float back to a disturbing Uber driver or an over-eager EX. These are the classic Peeping Pete’s and Creepy Craig’s. Though everyone should stay on the watch for these wonderful folks, there’s another kind of stalker that all should be aware of as well.
This new breed of stalker, actually, isn’t tangible. In the age of digital anthropology, humans face digital threats.
Brand conglomerates, including Google, Facebook and Amazon gather consumers’ data, unbeknownst to them, for the sole purpose of financial gain. These brands use this information to make ads appealing on an individual bases. In return, viewers, like me and you, are successfully manipulated, to buy, buy and buy again.
So what’s the big deal? Why is this practice so bad and possibly illegal?
Well, let’s think about all the apps on your phone. You probably have at least one app for each of your personal needs, ie. one for fitness, one for food, one for money, one for your cycle (if you’re a lady) and one for entertainment. I’m willing to bet that you probably have at least two apps for each of your personal wants, ie two for cars, two for shopping and two for dating.
These apps, contain your information. Your menstrual schedule, heart beat average, pregnancy likelihood, blood pressure records, dating patterns, favorite foods, vehicle preference, weekly budget and only God knows what else, are all within the confines of your phone. But it’s okay…this information is completely safe, protected by facial recognition technology and a 6 pin password…right?
NOPE. Actually, all of that extremely personal information is, in reality, up for grabs, currently on auction, and about to be sold the highest bidder.
Don’t take it from me, here’s a video, by journalist Rene Ritchie.
Mad? Join the club! These practices are deplorable. In the age of digital anthropology, humans must refrain from using technology as a means of violation. Otherwise, Will Smith’s I-Robot, WILL become a foreseeable future for mankind.
In conclusion, the only person that should know your belly fat percentage, is INDEED, you.