This Looks so Familiar!

Aaron Goldmeier
Marketing Right Now
3 min readOct 26, 2019

A couple of weeks ago, a Jewish holiday called Succot was coming up shortly, and I knew that my brother was going to have off for the holiday and he was planning on coming back home. I was also planning on taking off work for a couple of days in order to fly home and be with the family for the holiday.

I was so excited for my brother to be coming home and for the whole family to be back together, even if just for three short days!

When my brother and I get together, which is not often these days, for family meals, it is custom for us to go to the local liquor store, Binny’s. This store is basically a warehouse of liquor, with all the bottles you could imagine.

Before the holiday started, we made sure to make our annual trip over to the warehouse.

From the picture, I’m sure you could imagine how hard it is to decide on a bottle to purchase, also considering how indecisive my brother and I are.

To make things easier, we usually go for one of the cheaper bottles of whiskey because to us, they all taste about the same.

We were looking at all of the cheap bottles of whiskey when suddenly I came across a bottle that looked extremely familiar.

The year before, two other friends and I decided a couple of days beforehand to drive up to Nashville, Tennessee for Labor Day weekend.

There we planned to do all the touristy things, and of course, tour a distillery. Out of the tens of places to visit, we picked a smaller business that only has two locations, called Corsair Distillery. The tour we arranged, which was just the three of us, was such an amazing time and experience. We became close to the workers, learned all about the history of the business, and after, tried all the flavors they had to offer with the bartender.

The atmosphere at this place was unforgettable, and the drinks were actually pretty good too! I never thought I was going to come across this brand ever again, considering how small it was, until that day in Binny’s with my brother. I came across a bottle from this same distillery, and even though it was priced a lot higher, I knew I had to buy it because of the value received from my visit, and the connection I had made with that company and the people working there.

