Well…when you say it like that…..

Christian Pemberton
Marketing Right Now
3 min readOct 28, 2019

Disney: Pretty Magic, Evil Marketing

Who is the most clever, nay the most ingenuous, when it comes to getting you, yes you, and millions of other folks, including myself, to spend extra money on unnecessarily expensive items???

Yes..it’s Disney, hands down, point, blank, period. The allure of Mickey Mouse effects all ages, cultures, and most importantly…all pockets, as well.

Laughing? Well don’t laugh too loud, this meme could be you…and I am ashamed to say that it was me too. While on vacation last spring to Disney World…a duck, bear and mouse basically stole all my money.

I am not exaggerating. At Disney World their is actually evil ‘magic’ in the air, that prevents one from realizing how much money they are spending. While I was there, the atmosphere had a particular way of seeping into my mind.

For example, when I was in the gift shop…could I just buy a simple hair tie?

No, I had to purchase the Winnie the Pooh band, that cost an extra 4.00 bucks. Why? Because I was at Disney World!

When I was thirsty and wanted water, did I purchase the 2.59 priced bottle out of the vending machine?

No I purchased the 4.99 bottle, at the gift shop. Why? Because it had a cute Donald Duck on it, dancing!

When I needed new flip flops…did I simply drive over to a nearby target??

No…I…bought a pair for 31.99…


Please don’t judge me…

The joyful, happy go-lucky atmosphere of Disney World often disillusions customers, to the fact that are overspending. Don’t take it from me, here is an article by blogger Juliana LaBianca. Beware Folks…Beware!

To conclude my story, I came home one week later, saw my bank account, cried…a lot…and then ate ramen noddles for the next two weeks…

And if you didn’t believe about those flip flops, here’s a link below…

