Writing About Marketing; a Dream Come True!

Emmanuel Sebeh
Marketing Right Now
2 min readMay 14, 2021

Blogging hmmm, it’s not my thing because I mostly find it difficult creating content personally. But who knows, this could be the breakthrough for me to build upon my writing skills. I will love to write about so much cutting across all aspect of life but, I feel I may not communicate well enough to get the feedback I want. All in all, I’m hoping this will help me improve my writing skill.

My journey in marketing started when I was in High school, where I worked for my sister as her personal assistant. One step at a time I created social media pages for her multimedia company which I frequently updated the page without products and good shots on a regular.

I did all this without realizing the commercial aspect of my duties. Fast forward I gained admission to Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology where I studied Communication Design (Advertising and Media Management), through this experience, I started more engagement online for my sister’s business where I fell in love with online marketing and all that has to do with company management.

I believe at Yeshiva I can learn all that has to do with digital marketing. The curriculum alone is a good indication this program will help me, I didn’t even hesitate to apply after glancing through them. I look forward to a fruitful experience at Yeshiva going into the future.

