7️⃣ TikTok Bots 🤖 To Help You Automate Growth In 2021 … ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Scott Bassano
Marketing Tools & Tactics
7 min readMar 14, 2021

There are plenty of TikTok bots out there that will work to get you more followers. They are similar to Instagram bots in the way they follow and like content, but they are built to take advantage of the growth opportunity that TikTok still provides today.

All you need to do is supply it with target accounts or hashtags, and it will engage your ideal followers on autopilot. We’ll start with the pros and cons of each brand’s bot, if you want more general info about how they work, scroll down toward the second half of the article.

Popular TikTok Bots


Fueltok is a necessity for any TikTok user looking to grow their fan base. This bot will automate the process of following, commenting, and liking videos from accounts that are interested in what you post. This is one of the best ways to build your brand awareness and put your content in front of potential fans or customers.

How Fueltok Works

Its a web application, or cloud based service, so there is no need to download any software on your computer. They supply a proxy as well.

FuelTok’s advanced targeting features allow you to target accounts based on hashtags, locations, or the followers of a competitor or target account in your niche. With these filters you can specify a minimum number of followers and activity for your targets. They also have responsive customer support.

Fueltok’s Features:

✔️ Automate Follows & Unfollows, Comment, Likes, & More
✔️ Target by hashtag, location, or an accounts followers
✔️ Filter for users that are the most active
✔️ Free 7 Day Trial ( NO credit card required for signup)

Sign Up For Fueltok’s Free 7 Trial Here (No CC Needed)

Fueltok is a tool you need to take advantage of if you are serious about your TikTok growth. With the use of automation tools, you can expect to gain roughly 50–200 followers per day. This not only allows for safe and effective growth, but also ensures that followers are active and interested in the content you post.

Fueltok may be a tad bit more than the average price, but its well worth it when you check out the less expensive options reviews. They are also the only company that lets you get a taste of using their bot for free at a lower action rate.


Autotokker is a TikTok automation bot that has been generating buzz across the web. It can perform both follows and unfollows. This limits the applicability of Autotokker somewhat, which is unfortunate because this service is great for those who have limited time to spend on social media management.

Autotokker Account Growth Dashboard
Autotokker Dashboard

It’s a cloud-based service so there’s no need to download any software. It does mention that it includes a high quality proxy for free with every account — perfect for getting around any geographical restrictions you might be facing!

✔️ Follow Automation
✔️ Target by hashtag, location, or the followers of an account
✔️ $44.99 per month

Autotokker is by far the most expensive option on this list, but they do offer exactly what is mentioned on their site.


Instazood For TikTok

Instazood is a tool for automating a social media platform like TikTok. It initially started with an Instagram bot, but they now offer a version for TikTok. It can automate following, unfollowing, liking, commenting, etc. It initially seemed like a good option, but they have since racked up quite a few bad reviews on their Trustpilot page. Do your research if you are thinking about going with them.


Try Jeffrey
Try Jeffrey

Jeffrey is no longer accepting new clients. Previously they offered a bot to automate following and unfollowing targeted accounts.

They are currently focusing on their TikTok influencer marketing software, Tokfluence, which will be more useful for people looking to grow their following or fan base quickly. There is a higher cost associated with the faster tik tok growth. This is due to paying influencers for shout outs or product reviews. Tokfluence can help you find and contact influencers who you could negotiate with for promoting your account or product.


Instamber Tik Tok Bot
Instamber Tik Tok Bot

InstAmber is another automation tool for Tik Tok that will help you automate the following actions: Follows, Likes, and Comments. It can target accounts based on hashtags or location-based filters, as well as filter by gender or number of followers/followings. The main disadvantage is that it lacks functionality for automating likes or comments.

Social Masters

Social Masters is another software that has similar features to Instazood. It can automate follow, like, and comment. It can also target by hashtags or account. The price for this service is $24.99 per month which is a little more than other bots with a similar set of features like Instazood.

IG Bees

IG Bees is a social media automation tool for TikTok. It helps grow your account by automating follows, likes, views, and comments. We are testing out the trial now and will create a full review later. I am curious to see if there are some unique ways to use their view feature.

Out of the seven bots we mentioned, we prefer Fueltok. Its very easy to setup and start getting results from it right away. They do have some advanced settings for people who have experience with tools like this. They have the seven day free trial, and also have a free plan that isn’t really mentioned anywhere, that you can use after the trial.

Sign Up For Fueltok’s Free 7 Trial Here (No CC Needed)

How Do TikTok Bots Work?

Bots for TikTok work the same way that an Instagram bot works. It performs the same actions you can do manually, but it does it on autopilot to free up your time. They can perform a variety of actions including: follows, likes, comments, views, shares, and unfollows.

How well it works does depend on how well you target your potential followers. Most automation tools can target accounts based on hashtags, locations, and all of an accounts followers. The better options also allow you to set filters so you only interact with most engaged users who are the most likely to follow and watch your videos. This is done by setting minimums and maximums for the target accounts followers, following, and only targeting accounts who are engaging and uploading videos. If you can get your targeting set up properly you can get the most out of every action it takes.

The Main Types Of Bots For TikTok

Each of the bots below use a different strategy to automate the process of getting your content in front of your ideal followers on tiktok. They work well as long as you have good content that they will enjoy viewing.

Follower Bots

Follow bots are used to automate the process of following and unfollowing target users on TikTok.

Like Bots

These are bots that automatically interact with your target followers by liking their most recent TikTok videos.

Comment Bots

These bots comment on the videos of other tiktok users you are targeting in an attempt to draw them or their followers to start viewing your content.

Comment Like Bots

These bots are used to like the comments of your target accounts. They are also called comment likers.

View Bots

These bots are used to view either your content or another users content on Tiktok. If you are only interested in increasing your TikTok views, there can be some easier ways such as buying views

Share Bots

A Share bot will automate the process of sharing your videos. We haven’t found a good solution for this yet, but will definitely update this article if we find one.

Is It Safe To Use A Bot On TikTok?

In most cases yes, but it does depend on your account and how you plan to use it. If you already have a large following and get a lot of views, I would think about avoiding bots and just keep doing whatever is working. If you have a new account or don’t have many followers, you don’t have much to lose. As long you do a reasonable number of actions each day, you will be fine.

You can use a bot like Fueltok to passively grow your account by doing the same actions you would do manually, but this will allow you to spend more time following trends and creating good content that will help you grow even faster. The tiktok bot will keep getting your account in front of new people each day.

An even safer solution is to use a secondary account where the bot runs 24/7 and then helps to push people over to your main account via comments or mentioning your main account in the description. You could do this with multiple secondary accounts as well for faster growth. One alternative to a bot is utilizing a growth service that will grow your TikTok account for you.

Additional TikTok Growth Resources:

Tok.Tools TikTok Tool Directory

TokList.net has more in depth reviews of specific bots.

Disclaimer: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links. If you decide to purchase after the free trial, we make a small commission that will be used to help creating content for the Marketing Tools & Tactics publication.

