Email marketing is great, but…

Don’t sell me; let me buy

Randye S Spina, MBA
Marketing Zen


Photo by Photoholgic on Unsplash

I’m an avid online consumer, and also a marketing professional so I’m always hyper-aware of the marketing that’s directed at me.

Because of an allergy to chemicals used in most major drugstore brand shampoos and other lotions and potions for eyes and face, I’ve had to switch products. The allergist told me, “That’s why bottles of shampoo can sit on a shelf for months and months — they’re filled with formaldehyde and other preservatives.”

They’re filled with WHAT?!?!

That was last year and I’m still learning what my triggers are, but it’s next to impossible to figure this out because it’s common practice to mask the word formaldehyde with a squillion (not lying) alternative trademarked chemical brand names. From a corporate point of view, this strategy makes perfect sense because it’s not an ingredient they should brag about. I understand that.

However, from a consumer point of view, it’s like having a part-time job learning all the chemical names. So, still on the quest for organic products that work and don’t cost as much as my mortgage, I found an organic beauty products site that had — are you ready for this?!?! — a glossary of terms.

I thought I’d burst into tears I was so happy!



Randye S Spina, MBA
Marketing Zen

Non-fiction author, marketer, agency owner, award-winning professor, nonprofit board member. Hopelessly interested in everything