Two Small Business Technology Trends

These ideas help solve real problems that keep your customers coming back

Randye S Spina, MBA
Marketing Zen


As you think about the future, it is essential to consider what technology trends will impact your small business in 2021. Small businesses are always looking for ways to improve efficiency and increase revenue streams at the lowest possible cost; thus, their ability to adapt quickly is imperative for survival.

I chose these two trends based on the answers to a question I asked of a group of my colleagues. They suggested several, and I settled on these two because of the recent wave of TV ads I’ve seen, which have piqued my curiosity and because of my personal experiences navigating our new pandemic world.

The first trend is niche app specialization

Although mobile apps have become very popular, not all of them are successful. Many developers cannot make money from them, and even those who can make less than they hoped for because most mobile apps are ‘me too’ takeoffs on what already exists.

However, these are some examples of apps that are solving real problems.

Slice is an excellent example of solving a genuine problem. It’s the first, and only restaurant order app made just for pizzerias. The first…



Randye S Spina, MBA
Marketing Zen

Non-fiction author, marketer, agency owner, award-winning professor, nonprofit board member. Hopelessly interested in everything