Ten Projects Receive Marketing DAO Grants to Grow Ethereum’s Brand

Marketing DAO
Published in
2 min readApr 7, 2020

From Nepal to Kenya to the Czech Republic, from a graphic novel to wallet onboarding to limited-edition swag, Marketing DAO is pleased to share the 10 projects that will receive a small amount of initial seed funding from Marketing DAO for efforts aligned with our mission to help grow the Ethereum brand.

We received almost 100 funding proposals, honed in on a few dozen of the best projects and then voted for the top 10 that we believe can have the most short-term impact.

Here are the winners and their 30-second video proposals as seen on Pepo:


— an auction platform for digi-physical apparel


Contact: Drew Harding


— a graphic novel about Blockchain


Contact: Anne Connelly

Dan White Videos

— the definitive Ethereum introduction course


Contact: Dan White

Status Quack

— Ethereum views via Unsplash


Contact: Jan Antonin Kolar

Wizard of DApps

— podcasts on Ethereum dapps usage

Contact: Pet3rpan


— Ethereum educational videos


Contact: Dinesh Lamsal

Burner Factory

— “A Burner Day” of simultaneous wallet onboarding


Contact: David Mihal

Crowd Founder

— connecting crypto curious with enthusiasts over lunch


Contact: Garrett Laugavitz

Nuggett’s News

— ‘Ethereum Explained’ video and podcast series

Contact: Alex Saunders

Gitcoin Grants

— Matching grants for Ethereum branding

Contact: Kevin Owocki

Marketing DAO will contribute 80 DAI to each project. The seed funding will be maximized using Gitcoin Grants CLR Matching, a crowdfunding mechanism that can turn relatively small donations into much larger grants — 10x or more.

We wish the selected projects success and look forward to seeing them boost Ethereum’s brand. Marketing DAO plans to offer grants directly to more teams going forward, but for now, we have decided to pause our pledging process. With the current uncertainties complicating pledgers’ decisions, we will be reaching back out to the community when there is better market stability. But we won’t be idle. You can check out our plans to help the community through these turbulent times in this post.

Stay up to date with marketing DAO and keep the conversation going on Twitter and Telegram.



Marketing DAO

Growing Ethereum as a brand. Doing it the Ethereum way.