When you should ignore a critic and why it’s okay.

Praveen Chandimal
Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2020
Photo by Max Böhme on Unsplash

Writing a copy is about speaking to an audience. And when we do write, we narrow it down to a specific set of people depending on the content that we create. and I know, it’s not easy spending a lot of time doing research for an article and on who you should be writing it to and then get a disappointing feedback or having people criticize what you write. We’ve all been there and its not the nicest feeling in the world.

Criticism is a huge reason why we take a moment to breath before we publish what we create. None of us enjoy negativity in our lives and none of us should either. We believe that we’re right and when we have that confidence that what we create is okay enough to be expressed to the outside world, criticism whether its positive or negative in some cases can be haunting.

But we should also understand that while criticism IS important for growth and while considering different points of view IS important for broadening our horizons, we shouldn’t necessarily taken every critic and their opinions into consideration.

If you can be wrong, they can be wrong too.

I’m gonna talk to you about a few incidents where you should take it easy with the criticism. Where you should take a moment to realize if it’s really worth spending a second being upset for.

Critic 01 — “You did okay but you missed this”

Most of the time these people doesn’t hate you or your content. They believe that you did the job right but they see that you could’ve done better or that you haven’t done enough on the piece of copy you wrote.

and that’s okay.

We can’t possibly cover each and every aspect of what we write. We’re gonna miss a thing or two. and that’s okay. And also there’s a massive chance that you wrote about the bit that you wanted to highlight. and that in fact should be the goal of your haul.

and maybe they don’t see that. but that’s okay.

Critic 02 — “Haha you can’t even spell!”

I’m sure you’ve come across one of these here and there. This is incredibly common and that makes me weep for humanity. But that doesn’t mean you should too. Specially when its in the comment section of what you wrote.

This person doesn’t mean well. They’re not here commenting about spelling mistakes so that you can do better and help you evolve. No. They’re here because they want you to feel inferior. Or because they want to feel superior. They would pick on something like a mistake or they would just argue with you without a breath just because they want that feeling of a win that they probably didn’t have in a long time. But sometimes ignorance is a bliss.

It’s as simple as that. So the remedy is ISIS.

I See. I Ignore — ISIS.

Critic 03 — They don’t know what they’re doing.

Half the time what we write don’t necessarily reach the intended audience. This is a problem that we all know very well about and it’s a problem we constantly fail at moving forward from.

But at the same time, there are instances where these situations can be a blessing in disguise. and there are also some instances where our content does reach the intended audience but it doesn’t stop there. It goes towards an even broader audience. That we had not expected at all.

Because of the circumstances above, it can get a little messy when this happens. and considering the number of people who do have a lot of time in their hands, or out of total human curiosity, these people would constantly push on questions or they would come to incomplete conclusions.

But as writers we should be able to understand where they come from and spare the heartache of their criticism and take things lightly. Because that’s on them. Not you or your sanity.

In conclusion

Nothing matters more than your sanity. You’re on a constant journey towards a better place but you can’t make it there if you’re not sane enough to do so. Make sure you don’t forget that. Because time is everything and you really shouldn’t be spending your time satisfying someone who doesn’t give a buttplug about you or your dreams.



Praveen Chandimal

Home is all calm and cool until you stop and let you heart run.