5 Things I Learnt From Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki — Book Review Series

Bernard C.
Published in
5 min readMar 9, 2021

After spending months trying to sort my publication routine, here I am again with another episode on the book review series!

Today, I will be sharing what I have learnt from “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. Here are the 5 things I learnt from this book.

Let’s begin the review, shall we?

1. Work to Learn, Don’t Work to Earn

Photo Credits: Icons8 Team

When we work to learn, we always have something to look forward to every single day. At least you learn something new compared to wasting the entire day by treating it as the same day as yesterday.

With the statement above, it is highly important that you choose a career that fits you and has opportunities for your own growth. If you are not sure what you want to be, it is time for you to decide before it is too late. You are highly advised to seek other opportunities if your current career does not make you grow anymore. The moment you stopped learning is the moment you start to lose your self-confidence and eventually got left behind in society.

Therefore, stay up-to-date! If you are struggling to learn something, chances are you may be learning something that you don’t like in the first place. Switch things up and start again, don’t follow the crowd blindly.

2. Always educate yourself, even after you have graduated and started working.

Photo Credits: Lewis Keegan

Let’s be honest here, learning seriously never ends. The world is changing every single day, so do new problems and we are required to create new solutions. The moment you feel the need to update yourself is the moment you will start learning again. This happens even after your graduation in your educational years.

The job positions that are opened these days are targeting people with multiple skillsets since getting a degree qualification becomes more common compared to the last few decades. If you have mastered more than one skill that is relevant to the job, the advantages you have in applying for that job will be way greater than those who don’t.

Whenever you have time, start off by spending a few minutes to learn a new skill. Mastery takes time so do your best in allocating as much time to develop the right skills that will help you long term.

3. Understanding cash flow is important, you need to know where your money goes.

Photo Credits: Alexander Mils

Having clarity on your expenses is the most important thing you need in financial management. This is because you never know when you need the money to solve some emergency matters. It is crucial to have some emergency savings to deal with that matter.

If you are struggling to save up, you need to keep track of both your monthly income and expenditure. There are a few factors that you will need to know while doing so:

  1. Are you staying in a place that is way above your income level?
  2. Are you spending on things that aren’t necessary?
  3. Are there any opportunities for you to keep some money aside for urgent matters?
  4. Can you find ways to increase your current income?
  5. If you still have extra cash after all the deduction on necessities and savings, you should consider investing in yourself by learning new skills to enhance your monthly income rate.

Occasionally, you may want to reward yourself for being financially disciplined. It is okay to spend as long as you know how to moderate yourself and only spend on the necessary things.

4. It is perfectly okay to make mistakes, that’s the best way to learn.

Photo Credits: Brett Jordan

If you never make a mistake in life, chances are you never even try anything in life. People that are experts in a certain field make the most mistakes in that field. The term “F.A.I.L” in full means “first attempt in learning”, therefore we should not be disappointed when we fail. Instead, find out why we fail and how to fix the failure and avoid repeating it in the future. Improving ourselves plays a major role in our growth.

As life is short, there is no way you can learn from all kinds of mistakes. Hence, it is recommended for you to network with more people and learn from them as well, regardless of successes and failures in their life. Everything they have experienced is something worth learning for you.

If you have a budget or extra cash, consider investing in a mentor that can guide you along your journey. It really helps in speeding up your progress as you can ensure you are doing the right thing all the time.

5. Networking is very important, choose them carefully

Photo Credits: Evangeline Shaw

From the previous point, I do mention the importance of learning from other people’s mistakes through networking. It shows that it is critical for you to network with people that can help you grow. From their stories and perspectives, you can find new ways of thinking that greatly helps you in your decision making.

While networking itself is great, you still need to take note of who you network with. Networking with the wrong people can destroy you so be careful when choosing who you network with.

Sometimes while you network with people, you will come across a few who also invites you out for another new opportunity. Be sure to choose those that you can afford its potential risks or don’t take any action if your current situation does not allow you to do so. Remember not to bow down to peer pressure!


These are the 5 things I have learnt from Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. If you find more things that are worth learning from the book as well, please feel free to add them in the comments below for others to learn too.

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Till then, take care!

