Best Tools For MLM? — Facebook News Feed Eradicator Review

Bernard C.
Published in
3 min readMay 16, 2020

Facebook News Feed can be a major productivity killer where you just sunk into a bottomless pit wasting time scrolling through the feed. It can be easy to just not browse the site or uninstall the app to control your addiction.

However, to network marketers like us, we will need to work inside Facebook where we post valuable content to the public and even our own offers as well. This problem occurs where we try our best to not procrastinate on Facebook and yet must get our work done on Facebook.

Therefore, I would like to introduce to you a free Google Chrome extension named Facebook News Feed Eradicator. It is a tool that temporary hides all the addictive Facebook news feed and Facebook Stories in your account so you can focus on the tasks you need to complete.

For Mozilla Firefox users, you also can search for this plugin online as well since the developers have created the plugin compatible with that browser.


First of all, this is the tool that you should be installed onto your browser to maintain your productivity while on Facebook. If you cannot find it online via Google searching, you can click the link here to instantly go into the extension page.

Facebook News Feed Eradicator Chrome Extension Page

To install it, just clicked the “Add to Chrome” button shown on the screen.


Once the plugin is installed, this is what you will see when you log in to Facebook with the plugin enabled.

Facebook News Feed and Facebook Stories successfully hidden after using the plugin.

To use the plugin is really easy, all you need to do is to enable the plugin on your browser and you are good to go. Your news feed and stories have been replaced into an inspiring quote generated from the plugin. You are free to change, add or delete the quote whenever you want to. To switch off the plugin, just go to the “Extensions” tab in Google Chrome browser settings and turn it off.


If you really need to access Facebook and complete your work, then this plugin is essential for you to stay focused. Otherwise, if you are comfortable with not wanting to scroll Facebook News Feed every day on desktop, then you can choose to not browse Facebook at all.

If you want to check out their latest updates on the tool, you can visit their Facebook page at

Before you go, be sure to check out my other publications at

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If you have any questions, you can leave a reply below this blog or email me at I will gladly answer your questions whenever I am free to help you guys in your journey.

Till then, take care!

