Creating Your Products On NetFlow

Bernard C.
Published in
4 min readJan 25, 2021

I assume that you are aware of NetFlow and understand its interface. If you are not aware of NetFlow, please read this blog first before continuing this blog since I will dive deep into each feature available inside NetFlow.

This blog will explain how to use the “Products” section in NetFlow. There are 3 options you can interact with under this section: Products, Orders and Funnels. These options will be explained in detail in the next few paragraphs.

You can watch the video tutorial right here for a step by step tutorial on using it in NetFlow.

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This is where you manage all your posted products online, either to your online shop/marketplace or from your own funnels as an independent product. In this part, you can either check your customer list on who purchased your products or create new products. For the customer list, you can either view as it is inside NetFlow or export it as a .csv file report.

To create a new product, you also have another 2 options: Link a product funnel to NetFlow or create a product from scratch. Images will be shown below to illustrate the differences.

Promote a Product section (for products with existing funnel links/URLs)

Before using “Promote a Product” session, you must have a pre-existing funnel or a landing page talking about the product you want to sell and paste it in the “Product URL” section. Once you have filled up all the fields, you also have the option to “Share to other users” the moment the product is created. You can send either to specific users, to your own team or even your affiliates regarding your new product the moment you create it.

Sell a product section (suitable when creating products from scratch and sell in NetFlow marketplace)

Compared to “Promote A Product” section, more details are required for you to fill it. Aside from the usual details, NetFlow also allows you to fill in the model of your product (if there is any) and the respective product prices. If your product has a shipping cost or an affiliated offer you allow others to help you sell, you can fill it up in these respective fields: Shipping Cost and Commission. Same as the other section, you also can instantly promote to specific users, your own team or your affiliates the moment you create the product in NetFlow.


The “Orders” interface from the Products section.

Anything regarding tracking your orders either from your online store/marketplace or your linked funnels checkout, you can view them in the “Orders” sections here.

In case you would need a .csv file format of your customer’s data, click the “Export” button to download them.


Linking a new funnel to NetFlow via “Funnels” feature in “Products” section.

To link a funnel to NetFlow, you will have to use this “Funnels” feature. The form fields required to fill is similar to the “Promote A Product” feature so I will not explain further regarding this.


That’s all of the features available in the “Products” section of NetFlow. Stay tuned for more interesting updates about NetFlow, other tools or even strategies I have learnt throughout my journey.

If you do not have a FREE NetFlow account yet, please feel free to get started by clicking this link and experience it yourself.

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If you have any questions, you can leave a reply below this blog or email me at I will gladly answer your questions whenever I am free to help you guys in your journey.

Till then, take care!

