How I Implement What I Learnt From Courses Efficiently?

Bernard C.
Published in
4 min readMar 29, 2021
Photo Credits: Tim Gouw

“Too much info!”, “Where should I start?”, “I am lost…”

How many of you have experienced this when you are learning something new? To be honest, I am also one of them too even until now. It is a constant problem for us these days because new information is just easily accessible without leaving your house. All you need is just a computer or even a mobile phone and Internet access.

In this blog, I will be sharing with you how I cope with this problem and learn from courses (both free and paid) as efficient as possible.

1. Understand your own learning capabilities

Photo Credits: Maria Teneva

As the saying goes “Knowing Thy Self” from the philosophy of self-knowledge, you must be aware of how you understand and learn new things. Finding out how you learn greatly improves your progress as you know the best methods that work just for you.

One of the ways for you to find out your learning style is to utilize the VARK method. VARK stands for Visual, Audio, Reading and Kinesthetics. There are a lot of sites online that provides free tests for you to find out your ideal learning method. Please do note that your learning capabilities may be a mixture of all four categories, so spend some time testing yourself.

2. Don’t just learn, you got to learn and take action right away.

Have you experienced this situation back in school where you forget what you learn each time the exam period passed? We spend so much time learning and memorizing things but not many of us actually understand why we are learning them in school.

When you have clarity on the reason you are learning such things and how to apply them, you will remember what you learnt much better. Any knowledge you get without applying is useless. You must live what you learnt to fully utilize your knowledge. Always keep that in mind!

3. Learn at your own pace, do not get peer pressured if people are ahead of you.

Photo Credits: Ben White

With the presence of social media, we get more connected to everyone around the world. While it sounds good to stay connected at times, it can be harmful to us too. This is because we are more aware of other people’s lives due to constant posting from them on social media and the tendency of us comparing with them to determine how successful we are in life.

You must remind yourself daily that life is not a race. All of us have our own challenges to face. It is perfectly fine to be slow or even take a break sometimes, as long as you don’t give up in life. There are times you also learn to quit things that don't suit you well too.

Whatever appears on social media may not look great as it seems because people usually post their best moments online for others to see. Therefore, we must not be quick to judge that they do not struggle in life too.

4. If in doubt, always ask questions, especially when you have a mentor.

Photo Credits: Artem Maltsev

This is important especially when you are new or just getting started in learning something. Having an expert as your mentor does play a great role in your learning journey.

Some of us (including myself at times) may be worried about asking newbie questions that may embarrass us or make us look stupid. Remember that the longer you keep your doubts, the more lost you may feel because you will lose clarity in making good decisions to progress properly.

Therefore, don’t be shy and ask for help whenever in doubt.


These are the few ways you can improve yourself and learn things more efficiently. I hope that it can help you well and all the best in mastering the skills you desired.

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If you have any questions, you can leave a reply below this blog or email me at I will gladly answer your questions whenever I am free to help you guys in your journey.

Till then, take care!

