How To Close A Sale in Network Marketing/MLM Effectively?

Bernard C.
Published in
4 min readJul 17, 2020
Photo Credits: Constantin Wenning

In all types of business like network marketing, closing a sale is the most important step as it plays a major role in your revenue and profit growth. Most prospects that are in this stage of your sales process are the closest one to purchase your products or services.

This blog will share with you some of the guides that can increase your chances of closing a sale with your prospect and seal the deal.

1. Ask as many questions as possible

Photo Credits: National Cancer Institute

As a professional network marketer, you must learn how to close a sale professionally. Most of the training provided by companies are too rigid and boring. If you just depend on the scripts they provide to you to do sales, you are setting yourself up to fail in advance. Not every prospect behave the same way as mentioned in the script. Furthermore, it shows the prospect that you do not understand them properly.

Each prospect has his or her own reasons to purchase something. It is the network marketer’s to find out through questions. Be wary that most of the time prospects will not tell you the truth directly. Therefore, be mindful of the questions you asked to ensure you get the most accurate wants and needs from your prospects.

Note: Prospects approach you because they believe you have what they want. The wants can be in terms of price, benefits or recommendations from their peers or families. Determine the right interest and you are one step closer to letting them buy from you.

2. Have a game plan, tackle as many objections as you can

Photo Credits: Halacious

Before you meet your prospects either online or offline, always be prepared and avoid being too optimistic or pessimistic about the sale.

In fact, most of the objection handling should be done upfront at the marketing stage. A prospect can have a lot of objections before they decide to purchase from you, so expect your prospects already did the research and competitor surveys about the product or service you provide before approaching you.

The types of objection normally faced by a network marketer are price objection, stall objection (refer to prospects like to delay the sale), service quality objection and trust objection. By having a plan, you can possibly list down all the potential objections your prospect have before you meet them to close the sale.

Some ways to minimize objections are providing risk-free guarantees and high-value offers. If your capital is limited, then be mindful of what you offer because it can backfire your prospect’s trust when you failed to deliver what you promised with them.

3. Set their expectations early on (Known as framing)

Photo Credits: David Emrich

It is very important to frame your prospect’s mind to prevent any misunderstanding regarding your offer. This is to minimize any potential objections as well since you provide more clarity to your prospect upfront before they ask anything. A confused prospect will never buy from you so make sure they are well-informed about your product or service before buying.

As you engaged with your prospect, your main objective is to aim for a definite response: “Yes” or “No”. Avoid letting prospects delay the sale unless it is reasonable and prospects agree with you following up on their responses. This is to prevent yourself from wasting time on prospects that are not serious about your offer.

4. Do not be desperate for the sale. Always stay calm.

Photo Credits: Omid Armin

Most network marketers (including myself sometimes) tend to be desperate for the sale. I learnt from the hard way that prospects know whether you are being pushy to them as well. Nobody likes to be forced to do something or make decisions.

Therefore, as a network marketer, we must do things professionally and stay calm even though things do not go the way you want to. There are chances where the same prospect who rejects your offer previously may purchase from you in the future. If you pushed them too hard for the sale, your relationship with the prospect will be ruined and that prospect will definitely not visit you regarding your offer.


These are the four tips I have for you on improving your sales closing rate in network marketing. The most important part about closing is to always practice and make sufficient preparations upfront.

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Till then, take care!

