How To Find Your Ideal Target Market for Your Business?

Bernard C.
Published in
4 min readJul 9, 2020
Photo Credits: Stephen Dawson

Most new network marketers tend to skip this vital step and dive right into contacting their friends and families to gain sales. Those traditional strategies that were taught last time do not work anymore and are not sustainable. Aside from that, relationships between friends and families can be potentially ruined as well due to the hard-selling strategies.

To solve this issue, you got to dive down into the fundamentals of marketing itself. In this blog, I will be sharing 2 main points on finding your ideal target market so you always talk to the right people to buy from you or join you in the team.

1. Take a look at what problems your product or service solves.

Photo Credits: You X Ventures

While you are trying to figure out who you should find, it is best to start with understanding what you are selling first. You have to understand that “Money is the byproduct of value creation”. People buy from you in exchange for the value you promised to give them.

In marketing, every product or service always fall into these 3 big categories: Health, Wealth and Relationships. Identify which category your product or service falls into. Depending on your network marketing/MLM company, you may be selling more than one type of product. List down all the benefits that they provide to your prospects so you have a better idea of how to promote.

Once you have the list of all the benefits from each of the products you are promoting. You must validate your products or services you are promoting to boost trust among your prospects. Nobody wants to be scammed or being taken advantage of.

Next, you got to consider the additional help you can provide to your customers. Every customer who buys from you will definitely face new problems such as not being sure how to use your products or services. If you can go a step further and solve those follow-up problems as well, they trust you even more and you also stand out from the other network marketers as well.

There will definitely be times where your customers are slightly more sceptical about what you are offering due to their bad past experiences. For cases like this, you can add-on money-back guarantees to reduce their fears of taking risks and show that you are very confident in what you are offering. The drawback will be the increased amount you need to spend on each customer, so make sure you are prepared before you offer any guarantees. Otherwise, this strategy may cost you more than you try to profit from the sale.

2. Your dream audience profile

Photo Credits: Nicholas Green

Once you get your offers checked, it is time to look into your target audience side. You can never make a sale or recruit someone if you always find the wrong people to talk to.

Your dream customer must be as specific as possible, in terms of age, gender, interests and even demographics. This is because it is your duty to sell the solution to people who actually need them, in exchange for money. When you have a targeted niche, it is easier to identify the potential problems they are facing and their wants.

If you do not have enough data from your target audience, you can always ask around on social media platforms or do your research online. Check the reviews from your competitors to get hints from your target audience on what they are looking for and craft your sales message for them.

Make sure to always test your sales message in small groups. If you want to know how I did, feel free to read my blog here.

Note: Remember that there are no perfect sales messages, the ones that work now may not work overtime. Always keep track of your customer’s demands so you can provide what they want accurately.


Finding your ideal market can be a long and difficult journey for every network marketer. However, the connections you earned via networking genuinely will definitely reward you in many ways. It is okay to struggle in the beginning, as long as you always remember to seek help whenever necessary.

If you have your own ways of finding your ideal target market, please do feel free to comment below this blog so everyone who reads this blog can learn something new as well!

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Till then, take care!

