How To Get Unlimited Leads for your MLM/Network Marketing Business?

Bernard C.
Published in
5 min readSep 19, 2019
Photo Credits: Lukas

One of the greatest challenges in network marketing or any other types of businesses is to get customers or leads. Unfortunately, most people in MLM companies do not focus on this topic as they tend to rely on their down-line’s network of friends and family for team recruitment and also purchasing their products. It is still surprising that up to this day, the same old strategies have been passed down without any changes especially with the presence of the internet.

In this episode, I will show you a few tips you should use to help you get more quality leads to buy from you and even volunteer to join as your down line.

Tip 1: Identify Your Target Market

Knowing your dream customers is one of the most important things you should do before you plan on selling anything. It is totally pointless to sell something to people who do not need or want your product.

To identify your target market for your network marketing product, you got to understand what problems are there in the market first. DO NOT waste too much time figuring out the best product only to find out that nobody needs your product in the first place. Start by conducting keyword research using BuzzSumo or installing Google Chrome plugins such as Keywords Everywhere (for Google SEO) or vidIQ (for YouTube) to find out what people are actively searching for. All these tools are free so you do not need to worry about any hidden costs.

The other ways will include searching for hashtag commands or common terms people used in social media platforms to identify any current trends. You can list down the top influencers that are related to the problems your MLM products can solve to identify their audiences too.

Tip 2: Avoid “Link Barfing” or “Link Spamming”

This mistake is very common especially for people who have little to no experience in marketing, and I was one of them who made this mistake last time and immediately stop doing it the moment I realized it was wrong. It is not surprising that you still see people spamming their referral links online everywhere in social media just to hope someone actually clicks on their referral link, which 99% of the time it will not happen at all.

Adding on to the upcoming changes on Facebook, avoid doing this at all cost because it leaves others a bad reputation on yourself trying to force them to react through your links. People do not like to be sold, rather prefer to feel they are the ones who make the buying decision.

Aside from that, doing so will make you indifferent to others who did the same thing. You do not compete to be better than others, you compete because you are unique.

Tip 3: Build Your Personal Brand

Whenever you do business online, you must make sure that people know you well. Nobody likes to make deals with someone they don’t trust, especially online. You must have a huge level of influence online before actually making a lot of money online. People always buy you, as a brand before they look at what you sell all the time.

To have a good personal brand, the first thing you need to tell yourself is you must identify what you want to be. Pick a field that you want to venture into and be an expert in that field. Becoming a jack of all trades does not make people remember you. Start by publishing free content related to your expertise to your target market.

Other contents you can include will be publishing your stories, such as your experience in a certain field. It is important to do that so other people will know that you are authentic and honest because they can witness your journey from scratch and be confident that they can be like you too. This is extremely important especially in MLM because people trust you first before they trust your MLM company to make a buying decision or join as your down line.

Every successful marketer has published a lot of content online to create their own unique online presence. Hence, if you want to be successful in network marketing online, this is a must-to-do list for you.

Tip 4: Using a Sales Funnel to Generate More Leads

Most multi-level marketers work as part-timers when they just getting started, while still having their own full-time jobs. Because of that, if you still use the traditional methods, it will be tiring and you do not have much time to approach a lot of people to share your opportunity or products. Furthermore, doing so cannot guarantee that you can make a sale too.

A sales funnel is an online platform where you can customize your offers and control your web traffic, at the same time presenting your sales message and stories strategically to your target audience. The main benefit of creating a sales funnel is that you can “duplicate” your time. It means that you can indirectly talk to more people online every day, even when you are taking a break or busy with some errands. Think of it as a salesman as good as yourself doing the selling for 24/7. Awesome right?

To make things simple, let us imagine a scenario that all of us are familiar with.

Imagine that you are walking into a shop, planning to buy a new laptop for yourself. You glance through the rack to pick the laptop that you want to buy. A few moments later, a sales associate comes to assist you with your purchase. The moment you made your buying decision on your favourite laptop, he or she will ask if you need a laptop bag, then a mouse, mouse pad, a USB drive or other useful accessories. In the end, you not only purchased your laptop, but also the accessories that come along with your laptop. This process applies to your sales funnel.

That’s all for today’s episode. I hope that these tips do help you in strategizing your plans for your network marketing business.

Anyways, if you have any questions and feedback to provide, please do feel free to email me at Also, my upcoming podcast episodes at MarketSolvers will show you the strategies and secrets I have learnt along the way. Let me know what you guys want to know by sending me an email!

Till next time, see you in my upcoming episodes in my podcast and my publications!

