How To Sell More In MLM?

Bernard C.
Published in
6 min readJan 15, 2020

“Want to sell more in MLM? Go and Get to Know More People!”

Whenever this question is asked, in the end, is still about getting more leads and building relationships with the people. In most cases, this is the answer that network marketers tend to receive, which is very sad in most cases especially to those who have no experience in marketing in general or just getting started.

As for myself, I totally get this feeling because I do not have a marketing background when I am just getting started in network marketing. I have to make a lot of mistakes and learn from successful people to verify and validate my current strategies.

Without further ado, I will list down a few ways you can take action to sell more in MLM right below.

1. Understand WHO You Are Trying To Sell

By having clarity on your dream customers, you avoid wasting unnecessary resources on marketing to the wrong people. (Photo Credits: Negative Space)

This is the mistake that I first made when I just getting started. I tried to contact literally everyone I know as I was taught in the “training programs” I attended with the team, but I do not resent them either because they are also learning and make mistakes too. In marketing, it is common to have trials and errors so I make myself comfortable with making mistakes.

You have to understand that not everyone “needs” what you sell, even if they do they have many options to choose from. The MLM product you are trying to sell is just another option to them based on their needs and wants, the same goes for the MLM opportunity you are trying to share with others and recruit them as your down lines.

To identify WHO you are actually trying to sell, you can start by creating a few customer personas by answering these few questions yourself. Aim to provide as many details as possible to the persona so you have a good idea of the dream customers you are looking for.

  1. What age and gender category is your dream customers in?
  2. Where do they like to hang out? Where can you get in contact with them?
  3. What are their interests and concerns? What are their desires and needs?
  4. How would you approach them? Do you have anything in common with them?

2. NEVER Forget To Build Relationship With Others, Even To Your Non-Customers/Prospects

Without a strong relationship base with your customers, it becomes very difficult for you to close a sale because they don’t trust you yet. (Photo Credits: Joshua Ness)

There are many cases where network marketers did not build good personal relationships in advance and solely focused on the sale. Features and benefits of the products were overly emphasized to their prospects, without consideration on whether do their prospects actually wants the product in the first place.

To make things worse, once the customers buy their products, there are hardly any efforts of maintaining that relationship between network marketers and their customers. This is common in network marketing since it is difficult to maintain a relationship with your current customers and finding new leads, especially if you try to do all of these when you just getting started.

In fact, to build a sustainable and deep relationship with your prospects and current customers, a consistent conversation and follow-ups are required to maintain their interests. People yearned to feel connected to the things they have interests in, so do not worry if you are concerned that you overdid it. There will be a minority group that will opt-out from your email list but you should be comfortable with it because it shows that they are not interested in your products (Consider it as a blessing in disguise for filtering). For prospects, it takes some time to build a relationship with them just for them to make that buying decision on your products, this can take up to 90 days and with consistent follow-ups to maintain their interests in your products.

There are a few ways to maintain personal relationships with your customers or prospects, depending on your own creativity that can be related to your network marketing business. Ensure that you always provide value and show that you care for them at times. This can be time-consuming but with the help of automation, you can achieve them easily and keep track of your MLM business. I will be publishing an article on the essential software (Free and Paid) that you can use to manage your network marketing business effectively and efficiently.

3. Always Provide Tons of Value Upfront To Them First

You should put a lot of effort into your offers, especially the free ones because that is where you bring your potential customers to your door!

Need not to say, providing value to people should be your number one priority especially in network marketing. Offering extra value becomes the only way you can differentiate yourself from other network marketers or even your competitors. You have to understand that everyone is programmed to be greedy, selfish and horny, which is totally normal.

If you are just getting started, please be prepared to provide a lot of value for free before you can expect a sale especially when doing MLM online. You need to build trust with the people first, which can be a difficult journey. Offline marketing which is the traditional MLM sales strategy also does have their ways to build personal and long-lasting relationships.

Therefore, your goal is to make yourself known to others as a go-to person whenever the topic related to your products is brought up. To further solidify your position among the audience, provide bonuses exclusively by you that adds value to their lives. It can be discounts or additional products that help them or solve their follow-up problems when they obtain your MLM products.

I have prepared a free course at the end of this article on how to do MLM online. Please do get yourself a copy and share with those who are struggling in MLM, I aim to help as many people as I can in the MLM industry so MLM is not viewed as something negative to the public.

4. Minimize Your Prospect’s Risk As Much As Possible

With sufficient guarantees and risk protection, you indirectly showed to your prospects how much you believe in your products and services. This heavily depends on what type of product or services you are offering.

As humans, we are programmed to avoid encountering as many risks as possible, commonly expressed as “the fear of the unknown”. Therefore, as network marketers, reducing the risk from the prospect’s side will increase the chance of you closing the sale. However, overdoing it may cause you to be at a loss and makes you feel desperate in front of them. As long as you can figure out how to negotiate with the prospect in terms of guarantees and risks, you can put yourself at an advantage compared to your peers easily.

To achieve this properly, you must be really clear with your prospects on the benefits and guarantees they can get based on your offer. Ensure that you always think in their terms and it must favour them as much as possible. As each person has their own views towards everything, attempt to ask as many questions as possible to figure out what exactly they want or to see if they are a good fit for your product. If they are not interested in what you offer, immediately move on to the next prospect.

For those that need more time to consider, do not leave them behind. Always remember from the previous points I have mentioned, build a personal relationship with them. Your potential customers may not be ready to make the decision today, but that does not mean they will not buy from you later. Continue to offer value to them over time and help them genuinely and sincerely.


These are the few tips I have shown you how to sell more in MLM. As promised, here is the link ( to my free tutorial course to teach you how to start doing MLM online and automate the process. I hope my knowledge and experience in MLM can help you along in your MLM journey and wish you all the best in it. If you have any more information to add or improve, please do not hesitate to put it down in the comments below to help anyone who is struggling in MLM.

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If you have any questions, you can leave a reply below this blog or email me at I will gladly answer your questions whenever I am free to help you guys in your journey.

Till then, take care!

