I Changed my Brand Name… Here’s Why

Bernard C.
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2020
Photo Credits: Kelly Sikkema

If you have followed my blogs or other publication channels for quite some time, then you are aware of my brand named TheMLMEngineers. Starting from this blog, I am changing my brand name to MarketSolvers. You will slowly notice the changes to be applied to my logo and other branding graphics.

Two major reasons lead me to change my brand name.

1. Account registration for software tools

Photo Credits: Austin Distel

As I have mentioned multiple times in my blogs, automation is essential for network marketers to focus on the main parts that actually move the entire business. Therefore, I do attempt to sign up tools that are deemed necessary and worthy to invest my money on.

While doing so, I encountered problems where I failed to activate my account to use the software tool I want because the brand name itself indirectly violates the terms and conditions set by the tool. Most software tools strongly oppose the term “MLM” which exists in my brand name.

2. Potential issues may encounter while attempting to run ads or officially registering my business as a private limited company.

Photo Credits: Scott Graham

Due to the issue I faced above, I start to become concerned about the future problems I will face the moment I started to run ads intensively and register my business as a private limited company. I may waste a lot of valuable time trying to appeal to related parties that my company is legal and not involved in pyramid schemes due to the “MLM” term in the brand name.

Aside from that, changing the brand name may help me gain more trust from the public with a better first impression.


I believed that the new brand “Marketing Engineers” will eliminate these issues and I can continue to deliver massive value to all of you.

Before you go, please do not forget to check out my other publications at

Facebook -> https://www.facebook.com/MarketSolversIsAwesome

YouTube -> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgd41HgCVaMaLdvTSfRvwDA?sub_confirmation=1

Spotify -> https://open.spotify.com/show/2hLPUkmed4fMBVsrsJ3Fhe

More awesome tools -> https://www.themarketsolvers.com/softwaretools

If you have any questions, you can leave a reply below this blog or email me at support@marketsolvers.zohodesk.com. I will gladly answer your questions whenever I am free to help you guys in your journey.

Till then, take care!

