Introduction to SocialFlow

Bernard C.
Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2021

I am back again after a long hiatus and some weeks of testing out a new tool for all of you. As promised, I will reveal it in this blog.

The tool that I have been testing is called SocialFlow. It is a chatbot that works like ManyChat or ChatFuel but with additional features such as e-commerce integration and many more which are yet to be revealed. I will briefly go through what was available for now as things may change in future.

What’s in SocialFlow as of today?

Right now, SocialFlow has multiple features such as comment and reply automation, chatbot flow building, e-commerce store integration and auto-posting. As of the time I am writing this blog, some features will be upgraded so they are temporarily disabled. I will be showing how to use the ones that are available right now and will update again once I am notified about the development changes.

The features below are the ones that can be used as of now. The rest will come later once the development team finish all the upgrades (including interface changes) to make things easier for all users subscribed to this tool.

Feature 1: ChatBot Flow Builder

This feature works just like ManyChat and ChatFuel, with a minor difference in how the widgets are named and behaved. I will go in-depth about this feature on the next blog. Here is how you can access the chatbot flow builder or known as “Visual Flow Builder” in SocialFlow.

From the dashboard, click “Visual Flow Builder” to begin.
Sample of how the Visual Flow Builder section looks like. More will be revealed in the next blog.

As you can see from the image above, I have created some chatbot flows for my own Facebook Page. Please feel free to visit my Facebook Page and try them out (link is posted at the end of the blog).

Feature 2: Ecommerce Store Builder

Another great feature available in SocialFlow. It allows you to create an independent e-commerce store from scratch and easily integrate it with the chatbot sequence and other automation features as well once they are released.

A glimpse of how the E-commerce store interface looks like.

There’s actually a lot to go through here, so I will save it in my next upcoming blogs. The interface you see here now is where you can edit the backend part of your e-commerce store and analyze its performance as you see in the screenshot above. The final store will look something like this below.

More will be shown in my upcoming blogs including how to use it. This is how it will look like once you do all the setup.


That is all for the introduction video. I hope it gets you excited to try SocialFlow out. Also, I have a free Facebook group dedicated to helping medical specialists and therapists in building their automation systems. Even if you aren’t in that category, I am still willing to help you since now is a difficult time for us to survive through the pandemic.

**You can join the group using the link here.

Before you go, please do not forget to check out my other publications at:-

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If you have any questions, you can leave a reply below this blog or email me at I will gladly answer your questions whenever I am free to help you guys in your journey.

