Is It Alright to Use Private Label Rights (PLR) Products for Offer-Stacking?

Bernard C.
Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2021
Photo Credits: Artem Beliaikin

Offer-stacking to convince your prospects and customers has become the bread and butter for every business, no matter on products or services. At times, creating extra bonuses in our main offer can be costly and time-consuming so some of us probably opt for Private Label Rights (PLR) products to fulfil the role.

The question is, is it worth doing so in the long run? Here is my personal view on this matter.

Here’s My Answer: Both yes and no.

Why is it the case? Because it heavily depends on the offer you are providing for your products or services. If you went to PLR sites like InDigitalWorks and ResellRights Weekly, you will realize that the PLR products available are mainly info products (things like e-book, guidelines, user manuals etc.) or software tools because these things are easy to make and do not cost a lot of money to do so.

1. PLR products can be incompatible and of low quality, which harms your overall impression of your offer.

Photo Credits: Elena Mozhvilo

Be wary that certain PLR products may not be compatible with what you are offering to the marketplace. In addition, not every PLR product you found online are of good quality and requires you to spend time checking it thoroughly before selling it together with your main offer.

2. Having PLR products can potentially invite unwanted competitors.

Photo Credits: Austin Distel

As PLR products are publicly accessible, you will encounter competitors that decide to resell the same thing in their own offers. When that happens, the uniqueness or perceived value of that PLR will drop and people will expect it to be sold cheap instead of the price you desired.

To avoid this from happening, ensure that you take the initiative to improve and remodel the PLR product itself so it becomes different from the original one. You can do so by adding your own experience and insights you get in your journey. If you find yourself lack of time to do so, consider hiring someone else to help you out.


It is not entirely necessary to have PLRs in your offer when your offer is attractive enough. The key point here is your final offer must be great and easily consumed by your buyers. I hope this gives you a better idea of whether to use them as bonuses in your products and services.

If you do have questions regarding this topic, please feel free to leave a comment under this blog and I will answer them whenever I am available.

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