Most Network Marketers Forget To Do This, Don’t Be The One!

Bernard C.
Published in
4 min readMay 31, 2020
Photo Credits: Goh Rhy Yan

Network marketing is indeed difficult to start especially when you are a total beginner and have no experience in marketing. Most network marketers are not taught the right way, causing them to miss this vital step that helps them to excel in their own network marketing business.

This vital step that every network marketers must do is personal branding. It may look simple on the surface, but it is actually a lot of work every network marketers need to do. There is no shortcut to achieving a good personal brand. You will need to be consistent and establish a routine to build it to sell more in your network marketing business.

Why Personal Branding is Important?

Photo Credits: JJ Ying

Let’s picture a common scenario in network marketing. You tried to approach a prospect, the prospect could be someone you may or may not know. After that person listens to what you share about your MLM product or the opportunity, they replied that they already heard of this before from someone else. In most cases, their response would be either they reject you or they claimed that they already purchased or bought from someone they know.

If you look from the prospect’s point of view, it does not matter who the prospect picks. The prospect can still receive the same product or service they want. Therefore, the difference only can be felt on the seller side, which is you and your fellow network marketer teammates on receiving the commission.

Furthermore, everyone in the network marketing company is given the same product or services, training and even the marketing strategies. With so many things in common, you will have a hard time convincing your prospects on joining you because you do not stand out from the rest of your team.

Hence, the only way to be different is to build your unique personal brand. Aside from standing out in your network marketing team, you can also take this opportunity to utilize your personal brand for something else as well. This makes you totally independent from the sales you made in your network marketing business as well.

How can I build my Personal Brand?

As of today when I write this article, the Covid-19 pandemic is still going on. It will be extremely challenging to build a good offline presence in network marketing since most places are under lockdown. Furthermore, building an offline presence effectively is way more challenging by default since you have to spend a lot of time organizing events and keep in contact with a lot of people at the same time.

In this article, I will be sharing with you how to build your online presence effectively especially during these times where you are forced to stay at home. One of the best free ways you can try is to publish your network marketing journey online.

You may be thinking of the reason behind doing this before you are successful. If people actually witnessed your journey from the beginning until the moment you are successful, they are keen to trust you more because you proved to them that you are once at their level. You also show them that they can achieve this by themselves as well through all the evidence of your journey online. If you started publishing when you are already successful, most people will think that you are a fraud because they did not see your success journey along the way.

Your publications can be in the form of a blog, a podcast or even a video online. Feel free to figure out which platform suits you the best, it is okay to start with one platform first and get used to the publication routine. If you are unsure of what to publish, you can start by publishing your origin story. Your origin story should describe the reason you pursue what you are currently doing and your future goals. This should set a good starting point for you in your journey of publishing.


In general, if you want to have a consistent income or commission from your network marketing business, you need to start publishing and build your personal brand. You do not need to be perfect in the beginning as long as you keep progressing. It will be a difficult and long publishing journey, but I strongly believe that it will be worth it in the end. If you have finished reading this article, please do consider to start publishing your journey as soon as possible.

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If you have any questions, you can leave a reply below this blog or email me at I will gladly answer your questions whenever I am free to help you guys in your journey.

Till then, take care!

