The Do’s and Don’t On Your Social Media Profile

Bernard C.
Published in
7 min readSep 29, 2020
Photo Credits: Jakob Owens

We often tried to save as much money as possible to acquire a customer that buys from us, whether it be a product or a service. One of the first few things we think of is to obtain free traffic of customers to contact us online. Just like anybody else, we always utilize our social media profiles such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and even YouTube to attract our customers online.

Based on my experience thus far in doing this, I realized that a lot of people (including myself at times) are not sure if they are doing the right thing when promoting their business online. If we used our social media platforms the wrong way, all the effort spent on promotion will be wasted as nobody is interested in whatever we posted online. Therefore, in this article, I will be sharing 5 things you SHOULD and SHOULD NOT do on your social media profile. I used Facebook to demonstrate since it is the platform I used the most, these things can be observed on other social media platforms I mentioned above as well.

1. Referral Link Spamming on Your Profile

Sample Facebook post of Link Spamming

If you come across these kinds of Facebook post, what is your usual reaction? In most cases, you will just scroll through these posts as it does not capture your interest and these posts can be meaningless to you. Instead, you should do something like this as shown below.

Here’s what you should do instead of link spamming. :)

Activate the creative part of your mind, provide something where people can learn from you or something meaningful that makes their day. Some types of posts you can do are sharing tips and tricks (life hacks), free giveaways or even trailers and sneak peeks on what you are doing which usually leads to a product or service launch.

2. Posting your offers everywhere online

Like the posts in the first point, you can find a lot of similar posts in Facebook Groups and News Feed as well.

Occasional posting regarding what you sell is okay but do not overdo it and spam other people’s news feed. They ended up looking at you as someone desperate to make money from them.

When other people read these types of posts, they will just spend a maximum of 2 seconds and continue to scroll away in their news feed. This amount of time is not long for them to remember what you sell and if you failed to write your post properly (like the right post in the picture above), people may think you are trying to scam them.

Therefore, what should you do instead?

Create curiosity among your audience in Facebook Groups, your own Facebook page or even Facebook Stories.

Mention their wants or needs instead of what you offer. Often, people could not find a reason to buy from you until you mentioned the problems they are facing and how you can help them out.

One way to do so is to create stories that describe a situation of their problem. This simplifies their understanding and they can relate why your offer exists. Sometimes, directly stating their problems and provide a solution to them if they take action can help as well. This encourages people to take action so you can identify who wants what you sell.

3. Using other random images as your profile picture and cover photo

Some random images I get online to explain this part, but you get that reference right?

Some of the people we have in our friend lists on Facebook tend to not post their actual profile photos and cover photos that relate to what they are good at. If you are not promoting yourself and just want to have a great time on Facebook, this would not be a problem. If you do, please do something to improve your online presence. You can do something like this as shown below.

Some sample Facebook profiles (including my in-progress version) to share here.

Let’s imagine this scenario. You are approached by a freelancer who tells you about his or her services. After searching for his or her profile, you realized the freelancer’s profile is just a picture of a cat and some random background cover photo behind. Will you trust that person to get the job done for you? Most of the time, you feel doubtful about it as you aren’t sure if he or she is a legit person providing the service.

In conclusion, please put an authentic photo of yourself so people can trust you. To further build their confidence in you, post photos and videos of what you are doing to show that you are confident in your skills and expertise.

4. Adding people and pitch them your products and services straight away

A sample conversation I created to describe this part I wanted to talk about.

Some of you reading this may have faced this before. In my case, I mostly encountered them face to face instead. How would you feel when people approach you and instantly pitched you on their products and services? Some of them do not even ask if you need their products and services as well.

Just like anybody else, my brain will instantly tell me to reject them without even considering it. Based on my experience, I feel that I am not respected and did not have the choice to consider and make my own decision. Remember that everybody including you and I refuse to be sold. Everyone wants to be the one who decides to buy for our good.

Therefore, what should you do? Do this instead.

A conversation I had some time ago with another classmate after an online class.

Have a conversation to get to know one another. You don’t need to follow a script. As long as you can find something common with the other party to start with, you can get to know them a little better. However, please do take note that some people are more reserved and they do not just chat with other people they do not know easily.

Instead of approaching them which can make them feel uncomfortable, you can always share what you do in your social media profile and let them see it. If they are interested, they will eventually contact you and you have something to talk about.

5. Excessively share unrelated content or similar content

Unrelated content can just be regular posts shared on Facebook such as memes or other posts that don’t accurately describe what you do or what you think. Similar content can be posts that are frequently shared by a lot of people, which can be boring to people who came across the same thing multiple times.

Some memes and random posts I found from my news feed.

Instead of sharing other people’s content, you can attempt to create your content by sharing some things you did that people find interesting to look at. If you aren’t sure what to share, you can always experiment around by sharing your experiences in your daily lives.

Some example posts where you share what you did to your community.

Do not need to worry if people do not react to your posts, it could mean they just aren’t interested in that subject. Continue to share what you are passionate about with others and eventually you will come across a topic or something you do that attracts the right people to get to know more about you. If you are running out of things to share, chances are you have not tried enough things yet. There is much to explore in life, and who knows you ended up enjoying something you never expected before.


These are the 5 things I share with you all today. I hope that my experience can provide more insights to you in your journey. Before you go, please do not forget to check out my other publications at:-

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If you have any questions, you can leave a reply below this blog or email me at I will gladly answer your questions whenever I am free to help you guys in your journey.

