UX Case:“Lucy Design” Target audience analysis / TAA

Demographic and general information of TA groups / Anthropology / Common Generations jobs / Statistics


Demographic / Education / Finances & work / Media & Technologies

(Age, Marital status, Household, Employment, Attitude toward career, Banking Habits,Communication preference etc.)

General anthropology of TA: Gen X, Y

(Characteristics, Context, Shaping Events, Attitudes and Values, Characteristics & Skills, Loyalty & Trust, Relationship with Authority, Relationship with Organization, Work Style, Work ethic, Leadership by, Consumptions etc.)

Common Generations jobs

General statistics

Percentage distribution of home buyers in the United States, Channels used to purchase products according to internet users in the United States, Reasons to do home improvement projects during the coronavirus outbreak, Main uses of mobile shopping apps in stores among U.S. consumers 2020 etc.

