How AI Mobile Apps Can Change The Future Adaption Of Technology

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12 min readJul 20, 2022

Artificial intelligence (AI) in no time has gained significant traction in many different areas, making it an absolute need of the hour. The International Data Corporation long back predicted that by 2022, global investment in AI systems would increase from $35.8 billion to $79.2 billion. And righteously said, the AI market values a whooping $136.6B as of today, which is likely to shoot 13X times alone in the USA, ranging $299.4B by 2026. Users will see more and more goods and AI mobile apps as top tech giants continue to express interest in investing in the field. Even though the healthcare, academia, and finance industries have benefited from deploying AI technology, one of the most promising applications is in the mobile app development business.

Users worldwide are drawn to the concept of having a virtual assistant to aid with daily duties. The promise of smart applications, however, goes well beyond virtual assistants. For example, AI is now widely used in mobile applications to significantly increase user pleasure. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss why having an AI mobile app is necessary for your next online business and how it can change the dynamics of your future completely. Read more below.

From Siri to Cortana: How is AI used in mobile app technology?

Machines that react to stimuli are said to have artificial intelligence, and this behavior is comparable to how people typically react to stimuli. Humans can respond because they can think, judge, and plan. The idea of machines emulating human intellect is exactly what artificial intelligence is. AI develops algorithms with reasoning and decision-making skills using machine learning (ML), natural language (NLP), and deep learning (DL) technologies.

AI enables businesses to swiftly analyze large amounts of data and gain insightful information. These data-backed insights are used by businesses to enhance capabilities, increase productivity, and accelerate growth. For example, you may incorporate audio or video recognition into the mobile application and optimize search functionality. In addition, understand app users’ activity patterns and make a helpful and clever digital assistant.

For example, there is intense competition among AI mobile applications. Therefore, a seamless user experience and top-notch assistance are crucial. However, keeping one or more agents available around the clock can be costly, particularly when many inquiries can be readily handled. Therefore, here is where chatbots powered by AI may help. With natural language processing, these clever technologies may assist your AI mobile application in automating replying to consumer inquiries. The system will merely interpret the question, obtain the pertinent data, and present it to the customer appropriately.

Chatbots are most probably one of the most popular AI applications there is. Primarily because they may help firms drastically cut their operating expenses. In addition, Insider Intelligence predicts that by 2023, the use of chatbots may save the banking, healthcare, and retail industries a combined $11 billion yearly.

AI offers a personal experience

Any service-centric enterprise must now include a distinctive user experience to make an everlasting impression and an effect on its user. There’s no denying that AI today has a lot of promises and potential to offer in improving end-to-end user experience. However, AI is crucial in many other industries, including healthcare, which enables genetic screening and computer vision, and finance, which helps with risk assessment, and fraud detection, and even simplifies and automates government functions.

AI-powered designs elevate the customer experience to a new level. These designs and AI-based mobile apps receive a lot of attention since usability is critical for businesses looking to build their brands and increase income. For example, UX teams frequently gather customer preference data and incorporate it into the design to increase user engagement with their products by using various tests, including A/B testing, data utilization, usability tests, and heat maps. Now that AI is in use; these techniques are in danger of going extinct since AI can collect and analyze humongous amounts of data and recommend practical solutions for improving user experience and generating revenue. The actual value of using AI rests not just in collecting data but also in how it can use the data.

For instance, an e-commerce site may utilize AI to evaluate visitor data and follow their preferences while monitoring customer activity across several platforms. Over time, this will enhance revenue and lead generation. In addition, based on the data analysis, the designers also get to improve and modify the UI/UX design to meet user requirements. It also creates a deep human connection. As the AI systems gather and examine a vast quantity of user data, they forge a close relationship with people. With this method, they may interact with people more personally and carry out tasks more like a genuine personal assistant. We must, however, concede that robots can recognize and anticipate human needs, just as we do regularly with our cell phones and digital assistants.

Role of AI in shaping the future of mobile application development

1. AI & IoT Amalgamation

Unquestionably, IoT and AI work well together to enable businesses to quickly process and analyze data to develop new goods or improve existing products & services. For instance, Rolls Royce intends to use AI technology to offer IoT-enabled amenities for airline engine maintenance.

2. Enhanced App UX

An e-commerce site may utilize AI to evaluate visitor data and follow their preferences while monitoring customer activity across several platforms. Over time, this will enhance revenue and lead generation. In addition, depending on data analysis, the designers can improve and modify the UI/UX design to meet user requirements.

3. Automation Levels Increase

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is the most important component of intelligent automation. Businesses may create a knowledge base and make forecasts based on that data by analyzing organized and unstructured data utilizing machine learning and sophisticated algorithms. This is how IA makes decisions.

Using AI technologies to provide general assistance can increase employee happiness, increasing productivity. Automation can substitute repetitive and otherwise perceived ineffective duties, allowing employees to focus on activities that they find more enjoyable.

4. Search Engine Optimization

The connections between websites, content pages, and search rankings are analyzed using AI. The outcomes are quick, practical, and even automated strategies to outperform the opposition. For example, choosing the appropriate subjects to cover in content requires science and art. Artificial intelligence finds popular issues in your sector and spots competitive market gaps for the most successful themes to target with your content.

Most content pages are created, published, and then promptly forgotten. Additionally, while a page’s maturity can aid in its search performance, dynamic optimization changes and updated linking provided by AI exploit the link equity of mature material to assist fresher sites in ranking more quickly.

5. Enhanced Security with Facial Recognition

Facial recognition was created to recognize a person from a picture or video. Although this innovation has been around for a while, it has recently grown into greater prominence and become more widely available since it now enables cutting-edge solutions like mobile device secondary authentication and personal photo applications to comprehend these newly available talents. AI and ML algorithms are used in face recognition to identify human faces in the backdrop. Usually, the algorithm looks for human eyes first, then for brows, nose, mouth, nostril, and iris.

6. App Productivity

The present generation of AI technology is beginning to infiltrate the typical workplace with the help of big data and machine learning platforms. Replacing numerous tedious and unappealing jobs can save operating costs, increase performance and productivity, and increase employee happiness.

7. AI-Powered Chatbots

The most advanced chatbot now in use is this one, which continues to grow more advanced. Sophisticated technologies like NLP, ML, and advanced analytics are used by AI-powered chatbots to react to user inquiries effectively. It is a piece of software that mimics a typical human conversation. Users converse with a chatbot through voice or the chat interface, just as they would with a real person. Chatbots analyze and digest user words and phrases to provide a quick, pre-programmed response.

How will AI mobile apps impact businesses?

Every company in almost every sector attempts to determine how to use artificial intelligence to further its corporate objectives. The market for mobile applications is not an exception to this. All AI-based mobile apps must be intelligent enough to meet needs given the growth of smart technology (like IoT) and apps (like Alexa and Cortana). Therefore, mobile app improvement is mainly attributed to artificial intelligence.

The need for AI mobile apps has increased as smartphone usage has increased. In addition, people are also on the lookout for a positive user experience. Therefore, smart features in mobile apps have increased their importance and, in turn, the enterprise’s capacity for scaling up while assuring superior user engagement and experience.

In addition, the emergence of smart technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), smart wearables (such as fitness trackers and smartwatches), Augmented Reality (AR), Big Data, and Cloud Technology forced mobile apps to use artificial intelligence. These smart gadgets bring in massive floods of information of all kinds. The difficulty here is separating the enormous amounts of data, comprehending the patterns in the data, identifying connections between the data, and drawing insightful conclusions.

With the popularity of chatbots that provide on-demand material, a mobile app that includes a chatbot may offer the same on-demand service. Due to the complementary nature of mobile applications and chatbots, this adoption enables businesses to provide users with better service. This action completely changes the game and raises the market value of mobile apps to new heights. The disruption caused by artificial intelligence in the market for mobile apps is now quite substantial. As a result, even makers of mobile devices are attempting to create specialized hardware to use the finest AI capabilities. One of the better examples is the Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) from Google.

New opportunities for mobile app development

Beyond the development of mobile applications using AI, artificial intelligence offers other economic options. However, AI-driven apps have a lot of potentials to benefit consumers and company owners. Uncover how mobile AI capabilities improve and redefine user experience and help businesses that include them in their operational procedures.

A Statista study found that users’ expectations are rather inventive and focused on maximizing personalization. For instance, most want AI apps that can aid them with conversations in different languages, locate a place in a new city using a photo, propose the best goods to buy, enhance their diet and lifestyle, and provide better entertainment.

Creating mobile applications using AI makes it possible to provide such a user experience. Only after collecting and analyzing as much data as possible, and starting to create consumer data sets from the first encounter, is effective user experience customization conceivable. Nevertheless, some customers might wish to impose certain restrictions on the data you gather, so don’t forget to provide them the option to do so throughout the onboarding process.

Creating mobile apps now includes many new possibilities thanks to artificial intelligence technologies. Additionally, it has facilitated the global corporate expansion and increased user engagement.

AI mobile apps touching most sectors

1. Finance

Artificial intelligence is one technology benefiting the finance industry. With the help of artificial intelligence, the banking and financial industries now have new options to satisfy client expectations for smarter, safer, and more practical ability to obtain, spend, save, and invest money.

2. Healthcare

It gives customers control over their health and well-being. Additionally, AI improves healthcare workers’ capacity to comprehend the regular patterns and requirements of the patients they care for, enabling them to offer superior feedback, direction, and assistance for maintaining health. Numerous advantages come from incorporating AI into the healthcare ecosystem, including automating processes and analyzing large patient data sets to provide better treatment more quickly and affordably. According to Insider Intelligence, administrative expenses account for 30% of healthcare expenditures.

3. Gaming

Video game responsiveness and adaptability are referred to as artificial intelligence. These AI-powered interaction experiences are often created by NPCs, or non-player characters, that behave intelligently or imaginatively as though a human gamer was directing them. AI determines an NPC’s behavior in the game environment. Since Garry Kasparov was defeated in a 1997 chess match by IBM’s computer program Deep Blue, it has become more significant and effective in the game business. AI is utilized in various ways to improve game elements, behaviors, and settings.

4. National Security

AI is employed both on and off the battleground in national security. The kinds of artificial intelligence (AI) that DOD employs range from automating straightforward business processes (such as analyzing financial data) and foreseeing mechanical problems in weapon systems to carrying out intricate analyses to assist its goal of waging wars.

5. Transportation

AI can reduce traffic congestion, free up drivers’ time, make parking simpler, and promote ride- and car-sharing. It may minimize fuel usage caused by cars idling when stationary, improve air quality and help with urban planning since it aids in maintaining traffic flow. AI has altered how people view automobiles. Flying vehicles were once predicted, but autonomous autos are now a reality. In an emergency, they may even take passengers to safety. Automation is more common because it introduces intelligent systems without human weaknesses to the transportation industry.

6. Smart Cities

Smart urban solutions powered by artificial intelligence (AI) have several advantages, such as improved energy, water, and waste management and decreased pollution, noise, and traffic jams.

These cities may use artificial intelligence to monitor their impact on the surrounding environment, global warming, and pollution levels. As a result, authorities and towns can make educated decisions that are beneficial for the environment by using Machine learning and artificial intelligence to reduce pollution and energy use.

7. Lifestyle

Among the many applications of AI software are:

  • Voice assistants.
  • Facial recognition for smartphone unlocking.
  • Machine learning-based fraud detection.

Moreover, software with AI capabilities is available for download from the Internet without additional hardware.

Can AI mobile apps also ensure reduced costs for businesses?

Many businesses consider these to be short-term projects with a narrow scope concerning AI. They are unsure whether AI is the appropriate choice for their business because of the high cost of research and implementation. They don’t immediately understand the potential long-term cost savings that may come from using AI to solve the correct challenges. By automating particular steps in processes and operations, AI is employed across sectors to save overhead expenses and increase business profits. Any industry may benefit from using a well-built and taught AI model to save expenses and increase revenue.

More businesses and organizations are employing AI models to cut expenses and boost income. Whatever your sector, AI may provide your business with a cost-saving organizational solution. Lowering customer service costs is one of the easiest ways businesses use AI to decrease expenses in their business. Customer service representatives and call centers rank among the largest line items for large organizations. The way businesses deliver customer support is evolving due to AI and language processing. For example, the customer speaks with just an AI chatbot instead of calling a hotline and talking to a real representative. You may accomplish this using SMS, messaging services, or the company website. While saving the organization money and lowering the amount of customer support workers, an AI chatbot may deliver a positive customer service engagement.

Markovate’s experience with AI mobile apps

At Markovate, we use AI-based algorithms and machine learning in mobile applications to automate any task, gather knowledge from Big Data, and make judgments that are likely to help businesses prosper. As an AI app development company, our team of experts has handled projects for clients from across the globe and has successfully delivered AI mobile app development-based undertakings with potential growth, perfection, and precision.


1. Is it a good idea to switch to AI mobile apps?

As AI trains robots to interpret information like a human mind, it will improve both the front-end and back-end app experiences, making them far more personal. Artificial intelligence-based apps give consumers a distinctive experience.

2. What are the most common programming languages used in AI for mobile apps and chatbots?

Several artificial intelligence libraries are available in Python, including those for General AI, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Neural Networks. We also deploy languages like Kotlin and Java to meet the needs of our clients.

3. What are some applications (mobile apps) that are based on AI?

Among the most popular AI programs is Apple’s Siri. The Microsoft virtual assistant — Cortana — is another popular AI application. Other examples include Alexa by Amazon and Google Assistant by Google.

4. Can we create AI web and mobile apps using Python?

Python has numerous powers. So when it comes to designing convoluted programs that demand complicated computations, Python is incredibly helpful in AI mobile app development. It is also utilized to develop machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Originally published at on July 20, 2022.




Building AI-powered digital products to enhance business efficiency, and productivity.