Are you aware of Responsive web design’s success in 2014?

Responsive Web Design VS Any Other Web Design

Mike Swan
Markup Conversions


So, you’re here to learn about the future of Responsive Websites in the coming year 2014. Well, if you’re planning to re-design your existing website or want to design one right from scratch, Responsive web design is what you must opt for. Owning a responsive website would not only act as a nice addition to your online appearance but it’ll even help you maximize your online visibility.

Responsive Web Design VS Any Other Web Design

Without going into intrinsic details of a Responsive website, let me introduce you to some of the noticeable features that have made it different from other web design/graphic design options. Here’s a list of these features:

  1. Cost-effective maintenance

Unlike other web design options where separate website needs to be created for every kind of device such as smartphones, tablets, blackberry phones etc, a responsive website works perfectly on almost every internet-enabled handheld device. CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) code enables re-sizing of browser window to display the content in a distortion-free style.

  1. Maximized User Experience

A responsive website is the perfect means of maximizing user experience on a variety of devices. Users find it convenient to use the websites that are customized for the devices they are using.

  1. Google endorses Responsive Websites

It’s a fact Google simply loves Responsive websites. It gives preference to websites that are designed as per the mobile-compatibility parameter. With a single URL maintained for all kinds of devices, responsive websites are quite friendly with a range of popular search engines including MSN, Bing, Yahoo etc.

  1. Comfortable Web Tracking/Analytics

In contrary to other web designs, responsive web design helps in building websites that have a single URL, customized for all mobile devices. This feature of responsive websites makes them a perfect fit for entrepreneurs who lack the time required for tracking their site’s results. With a responsive website, the webmaster just has to analyze the data received from the single URL, making the process easier and time-saving.

As you see, Responsive websites have features that are unique and much more beneficial for the businesspersons. Here are some screenshots that’ll help you get a glimpse of Responsive websites:

Responsive Web Design Justifies User Experience

Now, let’s see how a responsive web design justifies user experience. Well, nowadays, customers are not restricted to the traditional desktops when it comes to accessing a website. They have switched to latest gadgets such as laptops, iPads, iPhones, Android phones and BlackBerry phones. This has resulted into an increase in the demand for sites that work perfectly on a variety of hand-held devices. Responsive web design plays a major role here.

Responsive website design has enabled users to get an excellent web experience. As one of the hottest topics of discussions, amongst global website developers, responsive design has played a powerful role in transforming the web into an all-singing and all-dancing party venue. To put it more simply, responsive design has been capable of translating the text-heavy web pages into cool and user-compatible commercial systems.

Responsive Web Design- Will it cost you too much?

Whether you intend to upgrade your existing website to a responsive design or want to design a responsive website from scratch, it’ll just cost you some hundred dollars. This is perhaps much more reasonable as compared to the several thousand dollars that need to be spent on designing websites using other web designs.

Overhauling your existing website to be responsive will cost you a marginal fee. You just need to look into the fact that the service provider you choose for the task is skilled and has the required amount of experience in performing the job.

Here’s a list of few budget considerations for Responsive Web Design Projects:

  • Time for collaboration
  • Time for innovation
  • Time for iteration
  • Time for Q/A testing of website on different devices and web browsers

Mobiles have a future and so do the Responsive websites

There’s no doubt that mobiles are truly the future of technology. Although going responsive can involve challenges, both, for the website owners and the online marketers, it’s a mobile-friendly website, that’ll continue to stay the talk of town forever. If you’re unable offer a mobile-friendly experience to your customers, they’ll probably bounce off your website and visit your competitor. As we see, there’s a sudden increase in the count of mobile favoring customers, making your website responsive will act as your small investment in reaching all these people.

Hmm……if you feel I’m being a bit preachy, check out some shocking statistics mentioned below:

  • 91% people on the earth, own a mobile phone
  • 80% mobile users spend their time inside apps
  • 56% people on the earth, own a Smartphone
  • 50% mobile users prefer accessing internet via their mobile apparatus
  • 72% tablet owners make online purchases every week

Hey there, now do you agree with me? I hope you’ll answer optimistically.


Responsive Web Design can definitely be termed as a powerful online marketing strategy. Thanks to the wide variety of features that have made Responsive websites fare better as compared to other websites.

Currently, we’re in the last month of 2013 and are about to welcome 2014. So, it’s time to pull up your socks and choose responsive web design because this web design option has all the caliber of helping you attain instant business profits. We need to adapt to responsive design for ensuring unstoppable business growth in the year 2014.

If you’ve any questions to ask or want me to cover any specific topic, please feel free to use the Comments box below.

Author bio - Mike is a content writer by mood and a web designer by profession. He loves to share his thoughts & Ideas on various Photoshop to Wordpress theme conversion services. You can log on to his business website (Markupcloud) for more information. You can contact to hire PSD to magento developer at affordable price.



Mike Swan
Markup Conversions

Mike Swan is a content writer by mood and a web designer by profession.