Mike Swan
Markup Conversions
Published in
2 min readMar 9, 2015


Augment your website security by converting a static HTML site to WordPress

Website security is one of the major concerns that the majority of site owners struggle with. Irrespective of what kind of website you have, its security should be your primary objective. In most cases, static websites are compromised because of their outdated structure, which is traceable and easily open for malicious attacks. If you want to keep your website away from bad guys, then it’s nice to go with a more dynamic website like WordPress.

WordPress has created a lot of stir in the web development landscape and easily be regarded as the most popular content management system of the modern age. Being a dynamic CMS around, WordPress has the potential to help you overcome those nasty burns which can spell doom to your website. HTML to WordPress theme conversion is a process which allows you to turn your static HTML site to WordPress. Migrating from HTML to WP is a logical step towards creating a website that is far more secure against any kind of security attacks. WordPress has tons of handy tools and ways through which you can easily beef up its security level and make it truly robust.

In this article, we will give you some compelling reasons stating why WordPress development should be your ultimate choice for creating more secure and hacker-proof website.

1. Choose WordPress for a hacker-proof website

No matter how solid security features you’ve been using on your website, the sophistication of hacking tools and technologies can easily penetrate it cripple its legitimacy. By opting for WordPress, you get more power to concrete your site and protect it against security bots. Using WordPress, you can create an entirely new user name and password to ensure its safety. It also has a number of integrated features and functions that enable you to concrete your website security to a greater level. Automattic, the company behind WordPress also keeps on introducing the updated version of this CMS to boost the security standards of your website. By maintaining the updated version of your site, you can easily fix any issues or errors which may hamper the performance of your website.

2. A great number of security-oriented plugins

WordPress is praised for the tons of plugins it provides to extend the functionality of a website. There are a great number of security plugins available that can surely help you to increase the security level of your website. These plugins better control your website, its database, administration and several other areas to add multiple layers of security on your website. Once you convert your HTML to WordPress, it will become handy for you to install and activate these plugins to make sure your website don’t fall in the wrong hands.

Some popular security WordPress plugins are:

  • WP DP Backup
  • WP Security Scan
  • Stealth Login
  • Login Lockdown etc

To Sum Up

Migrating from your plain HTML site to WordPress is a strategic decision which can definitely aid you in the long run. It’s a decision which has the potential to drive your business without getting worried about your website functionality.

Article first appeared on Codegain



Mike Swan
Markup Conversions

Mike Swan is a content writer by mood and a web designer by profession.