He motioned to her sofa, “I can make a bed up”


Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova — Reclining nude portrait of Nevedomskaya

He motioned to her sofa
“I can make a bed up”
She could say, “you’ve come a long way,”
“Now, don’t interrupt; follow me the rest.”

Her stairs started to heaven.
She fell back, and her robe opened
I didn’t undress. I couldn’t misspend/
I won’t misspend one drop of evening/
(One drop of semen.)


I’d fall hard/ toward the floor/
And breathe in her lushness.
Finally, I can kiss her tummy.
I love her laugh-starting sound/
Yum. I trail down



“True Story” by G
Marlene in a Pub

I’m new to this game. & “new” can mean I just came but “new” should be a sure sign, I’m shiny