Say “I Love You” Without Saying a Word

The Nerd
Marlene in a Pub
Published in
5 min readDec 31, 2023
Photo by Igor Érico on Unsplash

Whether you’re in a new relationship, planning a wedding, or have been married for a decade, maintaining the flame of love in its rightful position is critical to ensuring that the closeness lasts a lifetime.

However, as time passes, you will undoubtedly feel as if your pleasant surprise gestures to express “I love you” are no longer working, or your mind will cry for assistance from love and relationship specialists.

If that’s the case, you’ve come to the ideal spot to feed your romantic side with simple yet lovely actions to express “I love you.”

This post included suggestions on expressing “I love you” with your actions and demonstrating how much you adore her without saying a single word.

Sounds fascinating. So, keep your eyes and ears peeled over the following few pages for much-needed advice on conveying “I love you” without using words!

1. Make a special dish even on a regular day.

Please put on your apron and research how to make her favourite cuisine before turning on the burner because the first suggestion is to prepare and make a special food for your darling lady even on a regular day.

If you believe you would most likely fail this section, you should get assistance or guidance from an expert.

One thing is certain: once she’s tasted your unique dish, you’ll understand that her reaction was well worth all of your preparations and efforts.

Making the time and effort to prepare special delicacies is one of the nicest ways to communicate I love you.

2. Plan a romantic weekend for her on the Central Coast.

Working for a livelihood is undeniably exhausting.

Consider your wife who still pulls herself together once she comes home to make a great meal, assist the kids with their schoolwork, complete some unfinished chores, and complete other home-related activities on the list.

Do you believe she doesn’t deserve a special vacation treat?

If you do, the greatest thing you can do is surprise her with a romantic weekend on the Central Coast!

The magnificence of this area from Down Under will surely take her breath away, as will all of her worry.

Another advantage of booking a fast romantic break on the Central Coast is that you may bring your entire family, including pets, with you.

What are your thoughts? Isn’t this an intriguing way to express I love you?

3. Give her the largest slice of pizza.

We’ve reached the third suggestion, which advises you to give her the largest slice of pizza!

Not literally in the sense of “Okay, I’ll buy her a pizza and give her the biggest slice, and I’m done,” because this isn’t just about the pizza, okay?

Suggest that you constantly give her the most of everything, including your time, attention, love, affection, humour, and whatever else you share with her.

4. At any point, kiss her on the forehead.

Kisses on the forehead are now undervalued and ignored, which is sad.

If that’s what you’re thinking, I’m sorry to disappoint you. Your girl adores spontaneous kisses on the forehead.

Never hesitate to shower her with random forehead kisses, whether you’re strolling down the street, greeting her after a hard day, waving goodbye, or saying goodnight before sleeping close to each other.

This simple gesture of saying “I love you” means more to her than you can imagine.

5. Hold her close while dancing to the rain noises.

You must understand how lovely and peaceful it is to sit right next to the window, sip a cup of tea, and listen to the white noise from the pouring rain.

Level up this occasion by bringing your lovely girlfriend into the picture.

Hold her onto her waist and keep her near you as you listen to the rain. Look deep into her gorgeous eyes and relish the romantic moment while giving her a slow dance in the rain.

What are your thoughts? Isn’t this a very lovely way to express my love for you? Well, a lot of you would undoubtedly agree.

6. Surprise her with a dinner date.

Prove society is incorrect and demonstrate that chivalry isn’t extinct. Gather your wits and plan a surprise special date for your darling wife.

You might select the most emotional restaurant for both of you and hire out the entire establishment to make the occasion more memorable.

Do it on a regular day, and you’ll realise how valuable it is to behold her curvy and contagious grin.

Remember that the quality of your time with her is far more essential than the quantity.

7. Write her a love note or write her a poem.

Reintroducing the conventional may be the most romantic thing you can do for love. That involves drafting a handwritten love note or a poem for your wonderful girlfriend.

Some guys can turn basic words into an entire book filled with love.

So, why not give it a shot? Expect to see the universe loaded with stars directly into her eyes once she has your letters or book.

8. Tell her she is gorgeous at random times.

You’ll never appreciate the value of complementing your girlfriend unless you do it at odd times.

So, start reminding her how wonderful she is even while you’re deep in discussion, in the middle of a dinner date, or when walking down the street together.

And if you consider executing this simple yet kind act, you may expect to witness the nicest grins and the brightest eyes on her face at odd times!

It may seem like a minor gesture, but it can significantly impact your relationship.

9. Always remember the small facts she told you

While other guys find this conduct irritating, males regard it as the most romantic narrative experience of their lives.

And if you’re truly in love with your great lady, you should always listen to anything she says.

Not only that, but consider the minor details she keeps mentioning, such as her favourite nail polish colour, what upsets her the most, her favourite month or season, her favourite hairdo, and so on.

10. Deliver a bouquet of her favourite flowers to her.

Sending flowers is one of the romantic gestures that many people have begun to disregard.

Don’t be one of them and surprise your girl with a bouquet at her work, class, or even on a random day.

You’re also sending her a message about your unending love and amazing affection.



The Nerd
Marlene in a Pub

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