When Women Let Men Be The Only Road To Their Pleasure

Thanks to a sexist society, nobody has taught you differently

Thicia Luiza
Marlene in a Pub
4 min readDec 12, 2019


Photo by Malvestida Magazine on Unsplash

It’s still a taboo for most of the women I’ve met in my 25 years of life. And a good 75% doesn’t know what they have missed out or doesn’t know how to find it… or what is worst, does not want to.

The stigma is everywhere and in every culture. Because for a lot of women, still, their sexual lives are very connected to their partners. Or lovers, or a man in general. It takes a man. They need a man for it. There is no other way around, because female pleasure has never been considered essential by society, by men and sadly, by women too.

We have been raised listening to our mothers saying how important sex is for men. How they “go nuts” if they find themselves without it. How a wife needs to be caring and available for her husband on that issue. How we make it easier for a man to cheat when his sexual life is not satisfying enough.

The way society has thought of women as creatures with lower sexuality than men and the massive pressure on women from religion and false beliefs have, pretty much, promote and contemplate male pleasure for decades.

With the boom of propaganda, advertising, and mass media in the 1950s (controlled and managed by men), women have been influenced and educated to be passive sexual beings. Not to mention the lack of research on the matter.

Then, there is religion. You have to keep yourself and your body for your future husband. It’s funny now that I think about this philosophy because women have been educated not to have sexual experiences before marriage. Still, nobody has ever taught them they could have an active sexual life with themselves. And perhaps, it would be more efficient than taking control of their bodies and sexuality. Perhaps, we should give it a thought.

Sex outside marriage is a sin. Anal sex is a sin. Masturbation is a sin. That’s what they preach in a lot of the churches I’ve been to.
And those beautiful human beings from the LGBT community who, more than anyone, have explored their own sexuality are a sin too, for so many religions. Having to find another kind of normality has brought them to feel more, listen more, and certainly explore more than we do.

I didn’t know what masturbation was about until I found myself sharing an apartment with a homosexual person who insisted I had to know my sexuality more than anyone else.

From that moment, I set myself free.

It’s easier to talk about masturbation with male friends; they do it regularly. It’s a normal thing and let’s say… It comes naturally for most of them.

Movies show it too, because who hasn’t ever watched a movie where the funny dad gets into his son’s room without knocking, and find him masturbating? Or the caring mother who find porn magazines and dirty towels under her teenage son’s bed? We all have. And that’s why it’s considered a common thing, because it’s a common thing to do, for men. Society has acknowledged and accepted it as such.

A completely different reaction comes from women when someone says to them they masturbate regularly. A lot of them are still following the concept I have previously mentioned: they need a man to feel pleasure. And for some, sex without love is almost forbidden. So, based on these two facts, if you are not in a stable relationship, you are likely to have no sexual life… at all.

Which is sad. Because it’s scientifically proved, women have more ways to reach their pleasure than men do. We do not necessarily experience the same progression of excitement and orgasm that men do. We experience more.

Our bodies are this beautiful castle of mystery and excitement, it’s worth it and a good thing to explore it by yourself.

We know it will take time for female masturbation to be considered as normal as male is. A lot of women will have to promote it, talk about it, and do more to spread the message. You can have pleasure on your own.

Online blogs, female magazines, social media, and sex toys companies are doing an excellent job of educating and teaching women how to find their unique road towards their pleasure. Let’s keep moving forward, we’ll get there, for the pleasure of us all.



Thicia Luiza
Marlene in a Pub

Creative. Crazy curious about our confusing world. I write about life, as I see & experience it. The good, the bad and the extraordinary (thicialuiza.com)