Angular Inject & Injection Functions -Patterns & Anti-Patterns

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6 min readJun 2, 2022

A few days ago, at an absurd and not very known time of day where it’s nighttime on all timezones around the globe, Alex Rickabaugh (Angular Team), Brandon Roberts (NgRx Team), and I started a long discussion about the impact of standalones on different use cases like lazy-loaded services that are not provided in root.

🧠 The State Management Use Case

Here’s an example. Some state management libraries like NgRx need to load “Effects” in order to fulfill the indirection they are based on.
This is usually done by adding one of the following imports in Angular modules:
- EffectsModule.forRoot(myEffects)
- EffectsModule.forFeature(myEffects)

The best place to import these effects is at the highest shared point of the components that depend on them but where is it? 🤔
Importing all effects at the root level will clutter the main bundle. 🤯
Importing the effects at the route level can be sufficient but what about the day we decide to reuse a component under that route in another route. Not only the effects will be missing, but even worse, things get flaky and the component in the second route will only work if we navigate to the first route where the effects are loaded.

So what alternatives do we have?

Grouping with Modules

Well, one of the main benefits of using Angular modules is to group highly coupled things.

For instance, if I am providing a feature or a library where UnreadEmailsBadgeComponent and EmailListComponent can’t work without emailEffects then I can just group everything in a module. This way, to use one of the components, the feature/library users will have to import the module, thus implicitly loading the effects and we don’t let much space for mistakes.

declarations: [UnreadEmailsBadgeComponent, EmailListComponent],
exports: [UnreadEmailsBadgeComponent, EmailListComponent],
imports: [EffectsModule.forFeature(emailEffects)]
class EmailModule {}

Facade Module

Otherwise, if as Lars, Alex, and me, you are a big fan of SCAM you can use a facade that loads the effects when the module is loaded.

note that the facade is not provided in root because we want to make sure that its users will import the `EmailModule` with the effects before using the facade

class EmailFacade {
unreadEmails$ =;
constructor(private _store: Store) {}

imports: [EffectsModule.forFeature(emailEffects)],
providers: [EmailFacade]
class EmailModule {}

The Problem Without Modules

Now, suppose we are implementing a full-standalone app, how can we handle this without modules? We have to think about new patterns.

We could provide the effects in the components that depend on emailsEffects:

providers: [provideEffects(emailEffects)]
class UnreadEmailsBadgeComponent {}

where provideEffects somehow (I am saying “somehow” because this is clearly not as straightforward as we might think. Trust me!) registers the effects if they are not already registered, but this is error-prone and can quickly be omitted.

Alex’s PR

During the long discussion with Alex & Brandon, we shared all kinds of different ideas until we reached the point where Alex told us that we could __almost__ use the inject() function in the constructor of the component. It didn’t work due to a little tree-shakability optimization and Alex seemed to be having that in mind for a while.
The next thing I know is that the day after, Alex fixed the issue with this PR 🎉

The inject() is now usable in the constructor since 14.0.0-rc.1.

inject() + InjectionToken solution

So, how can inject() solve this?

The initial idea was to provide an injection token alias with a side effect that would work like this:

const EmailStore = new InjectionToken<Store>(‘EmailStore’, {
factory() {
const store = inject(Store);
return store;
class UnreadEmailsBadgeComponent {
/* `store` type is `Store` thanks to type inference
* and `InjectionToken` being a generic. */
store = inject(EmailStore);

While this is still possible with @Inject() decorator, this solution is less error-prone and needs less boilerplate than this: constructor(@Inject(EmailStore) store: Store).

⚠️ WARNING: inject() can only be used in construction context (i.e. in the call stack of `constructor()` and of course fields initialization).

🎒 The Boilerplate Reduction Use Case

Injection Functions

Sometimes, we just want to travel light and reduce the boilerplate.
💡 As we can use inject() in the construction context, we could also wrap it in a function. I like to call these Injection Functions.

An Angular Injection Function is a synchronous function that directly or indirectly injects services using the inject() function. Angular Injection Functions can only be used in the construction context of a node (e.g. component, directive, pipe) or a service.

The main benefit of Injection Functions is their composability. In fact, as opposed to traditional injection, Injection Functions can have parameters.

class RecipesComponent {
addRecipe = injectAction(addRecipe);
recipes$ = injectSelection(selectRecipes);
function injectAction(action) {
return (…) => inject(Store).dispatch(action);
function injectSelection(selector) {
return inject(Store).select(selector);

By following the principle of least surprise, I’d recommend prefixing Injection Function with inject(). This will also help implement lint rules to detect Injection Function misuse.

💪 The Type Inference Use Case

As mentioned before, when using injection tokens or even classes with the @Inject() decorator, it’s not very explicit but not only do we have to guess the type of the injected value but we are also casting it to it and we can do something wrong like this without any compilation error:
constructor(@Inject(HttpClient) http: number) {}


We can avoid this using the inject() function as it will infer the type properly from the InjectionToken.

const MyToken = new InjectionToken<number>(‘MyToken');@Component(…)
class MyCmp {
value = inject(MyToken); // value type is number

🔺 The Abstract Base Class Use Case

While we will generally prefer composition to inheritance, there are mixin-like use cases, where, I must admit, inheritance can come in handy and reduce boilerplate even though it comes with some trouble which is now solved thanks to the availability context of inject() function.

A component can now extend a class that injects services without having to pass all parameters to the parent constructor if the component needs to implement a constructor for injecting services itself or for any other reason.

abstract class Base {
a = inject(A);
class Cmp extends Base {
constructor(b: B) {

Chau Tran, with whom we shared a couple of frustrations and excitements about inject() 🤯🥳, summarizes it very well here

🅰️ Alex Rickabaugh’s Recommendations

- ✅ Stick with APIs that require the user to add something to providers in order to be able to inject it.

- ✅ Contain side effects in the factories of those providers.

- ✅ Use inject as a convenience in constructors to avoid the awkwardness of @Inject() when dealing with InjectionToken.

- ✅ Don’t try to build “magical” Injection Functions that secretly create things outside the DI system.

📝 Additional Clarifications & Recommendations

- ✅ inject() and Injection Functions are not meant to replace traditional DI. They are only here to solve the issues described above.

- ✅ inject() and Injection Functions are not the building blocks for React-like hooks. They could allow something similar to Vue’s Composition API but this is not the goal here.

- ✅ Injection Functions are very contextual. They simply don’t work outside of the factory or constructor call stack. That’s the reason why we need a very explicit naming convention where we can easily tell that this only works in this context because it’s using inject() underneath. I’d recommend using the inject prefix. This way it should be easy to implement a fast and reliable lint rule ensuring that inject() and Injection Functions are used in the right place.

- ✅ Using traditional Dependency Injection or inject() or Injection Functions is an implementation detail. Switching from one to another shouldn’t affect tests. This is the reason why tests, especially “isolated tests” should not be instantiating components manually (e.g. new MyCmp(httpClient, state)) and should be using the TestBed. In addition to this, we don’t want our tests to get coupled to the order of the injected services and we might not want to provide test doubles for all dependencies.
TestBed.configureTestingModule({providers: [MyCmp, …testDoubles]});
const cmp = TestBed.inject(MyCmp);

More about inject() and Injection Functions patterns & anti-patterns


👏 Special thanks to Alex & Brandon for the long discussions we shared and also for reviewing this post.

👋 Happy Ng14!

💻 injectState demo

💬 Let’s discuss this on github




Software Cook, Teacher & Coach Google Developer Expert for Angular Nx Champion