Is there ever a good reason to divorce?

Utkarsh Srivastava
Marriage, Divorce, and Parenting
2 min readSep 30, 2023

There are many good or valid or justified reasons why people might choose to divorce, but here are 10 of the most common:

1. Lack of communication — If you and your spouse can’t seem to communicate effectively about anything, it will likely lead to resentment and frustration.

2. Lack of intimacy — If you’re not physically or emotionally close to your spouse, it can be hard to maintain a healthy relationship.

3. Financial problems — If you and your spouse are having financial problems or if one of you is struggling with debt, it can make a divorce seem like the best option.

4. Infidelity — When a spouse is unfaithful, it can make the marriage seem hopeless.

5. Unreasonable expectations — If you and your spouse have set unreasonable expectations for each other, like expecting the other person to be perfect, then your marriage is likely doomed.

6. Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol — Although drugs and alcohol can make you feel good temporarily, they ultimately lead to a host of problems including divorce.

7. Physical abuse/domestic violence — If one spouse is physically abusive toward the other, divorce may be the only option left. If you’re being physically abused, you need to get out. There is no excuse for physical abuse in a relationship.

8. Lack of respect — Even if you’re not cheating, if you don’t respect your spouse or the marriage, it’s likely to end in divorce.

9. Different interests — If you and your spouse have very different social lives, values or hobbies, it can be difficult to keep a marriage strong.

10. Different parenting styles — If you and your spouse have very different ideas on how to raise your kids, it can cause conflicts.

Irrespective of what society thinks, there are a number of reasons why divorce can be a good thing.

For one, it can free people from unhealthy or abusive relationships. It can also allow them to start fresh and build a new life for themselves.

Divorce can also be a good thing for children, who may benefit from having two separate homes and two loving parents.



Utkarsh Srivastava
Marriage, Divorce, and Parenting

Successfully given divorce consultancy services to more than 10,500 customers which include couples from India, New York, Nigeria, Dubai, NSW, etc.