Why don’t some people get married or decide never to marry?

Utkarsh Srivastava
Marriage, Divorce, and Parenting
2 min readDec 11, 2022
a bad marriage is worse than no marriage at all

There can be many reasons.

1. Some people don’t want to be tied down.

2. Some people don’t believe in marriage.

3. Some people don’t want the stress of heartbreak, they think that they would rather be alone than risk being heartbroken.

4. Some people don’t want to deal with a spouse’s family.

5. Some people don’t like the idea of sharing their income and assets with someone else.

6. Some people don’t want to be responsible for another person’s well-being.

7. Some people want to be free to have sex with anyone they want.

8. Some people don’t want a child/ren.

9. Some people are afraid of commitment and they fear that marriage will bring this on.

10. Some people have been hurt so much by someone that they just don’t want to get into a relationship again.

Marrying should be one’s own choice and not based on society’s demands.

If you love someone, then marry that person without worrying about society.

If you are forced to get married to a person without your choice or with no intention to fulfil the duties of marriage or if it is not in tune with your feelings, this may lead to unhappy marriages.



Utkarsh Srivastava
Marriage, Divorce, and Parenting

Successfully given divorce consultancy services to more than 10,500 customers which include couples from India, New York, Nigeria, Dubai, NSW, etc.