Completing the Ticket Distribution, Lottery and Allocation Payment stages on MDAO Maker

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8 min readApr 11, 2024

MDAO Maker is a platform for conducting allocation distributions for projects in the early stages of development.

An allocation involves the project allocating funds for subsequent distribution among users.

What defines an “early-stage” project?

This refers to the period when a project is preparing to enter the market, thus resulting in relatively low token prices. When a successful project enters the market, the token price increases, allowing them to be sold on the exchange at a higher price.

As you can understand, this opportunity is quite enticing, as the MDAO Maker platform has a system of stages. It offers an opportunity for anyone interested to acquire startup tokens.

Today, we’re going to tell you about three steps on the MDAO Maker platform that take place on the same day and are crucial on the way to acquiring a project allocation.

Ticket Distribution stage

What happens during the Ticket Distribution stage on MDAO Maker?

When a project on MDAO Maker enters the Ticket Distribution stage, the MDAO Telegram Wallet bot awards users a certain number of tickets based on the average MDAO wallet balance held in the previous stage. To learn more about the Hold stage and how the number of MDAO tokens on your balance affects the tickets you receive, please check out the article via this link.

The greater your MDAO balance, the more tickets you get.

You can see the number of tickets that users have received at this stage by navigating to the bot → “Menu” → “MDAO Maker”. Next, go to “My IWO subscriptions” and select the desired project. The resulting number of tickets will be displayed.

This stage lasts for two hours, after which the next one begins.

Lottery stage

What happens during the Lottery stage on MDAO Maker?

When a project on MDAO Maker enters the Lottery stage, the MDAO Telegram Wallet bot determines the winning tickets among all the tickets you have received.

You can find out if you have received a winning ticket and how many by navigating to the bot → “Menu” → “MDAO Maker”. Then click “My IWO subscriptions”, select the desired project and you will see the number of winning tickets received.

What does “winning ticket” mean?

These are the tickets with which you will be able to purchase part of the project allocation at the next stage. That is, not all the tickets that users received at the Ticket Distribution stage will be available for payment, but only the winning ones. Everything will depend on your luck.

How does the bot decide which tickets will be the winning tickets?

At the Lottery stage, there are certain multipliers that affect the chance of a regular ticket becoming a winning ticket and also depend on the amount of MDAO token on your wallet balance:

  • Minimum number of MDAO to participate — success multiplier + 10%
  • 10,000 MDAO or more — success multiplier + 20%
  • 25,000 MDAO or more — success multiplier + 30%
  • 50,000 MDAO or more — success multiplier + 40% + 1 guaranteed winning ticket

Featured algorithm

Since at such multipliers users with a greater balance have a high probability of picking up the majority of winning tickets, this might not be fair and might not give other users the opportunity to participate and purchase allocations. Therefore, the MDAO Telegram Wallet bot performs a cyclical determination of winning tickets among all users. The algorithm starts analyzing from the largest holder to the smallest (with the minimum amount of MDAO token holdings on the MDAO Telegram Wallet).

From the very beginning, the algorithm analyzes users with a balance of 50,000 MDAO or more.

Once a user gets 1 winning ticket, the algorithm moves on to the next user and repeats.

When the algorithm finishes analyzing all users holding 50K MDAO or more on the MDAO Telegram Wallet, it starts analyzing users with a balance of 25K MDAO or more. Next, the algorithm repeats the scheme described above and then moves on to users with balances above 10K MDAO.

Thus, in the end, it starts analyzing users with balances higher than the minimum amount required by the project.


The next step starts a cycle where all the above steps are repeated by the algorithm. The algorithm starts to re-analyze all the tickets of users holding from 50K MDAO except for the already won tickets.

The algorithm then moves on to the next users by balance spread and repeats the entire process until the number of winning tickets previously determined for the project is reached.

The total number of winning tickets can be found on the MDAO Maker platform on the page of a particular project under the line MAX. WINNING TICKETS:

You can also find out this information by going to the MDAO Telegram Wallet bot → “Menu” → “MDAO Maker”. Then click “My IWO subscriptions” and select the desired project. The “Maximum number of winning tickets” line will have the information you need:

Example of the algorithm

User A has more than 50,000 MDAO on their balance, they have received 100 tickets and are guaranteed to get 1 winning ticket among all their tickets. Accordingly, at the next stage of determining the winning ticket, the algorithm will choose among 99 tickets.

Next, the algorithm moves on to user B. They have more than 25,000 MDAO and 25 tickets on their balance, which is pretty big. The success multiplier is 30%. With such a large number of tickets, the probability of the user not getting winning tickets is small, but it is still there. Let’s assume that the user got 1 winning ticket. There are 24 left for the next round.

Let’s move on to user C. They have the minimum amount of MDAO on their balance to participate, only 1 ticket and a small success multiplier. This user still has a chance at a ticket, but for the sake of the example, we will assume that their 1 ticket lost the Lottery. At this point, the user did not get the winning ticket. But they still have that same ticket for the next cycle.

Then the cycle is repeated until the maximum number of winning tickets is accumulated. The tickets are determined randomly, so also randomly we can assume that users received the next number of winning tickets (with 40 cycles of determining the winners):

A — 33 winning tickets

B — 16 winning tickets

C — 1 winning ticket


A brief formula for determining the probability of an ordinary ticket becoming a winning ticket:

For 50K MDAO and above:

IS_WINNING_TICKET = random([[[True, 40], [False, 60]])

* 40 — probability that the ticket will win

**60 — probability that the ticket will not win

For 25K MDAO and above:

IS_WINNING_TICKET = random([[[True, 30], [False, 70]])

For 10K MDAO and above:

IS_WINNING_TICKET = random([[[True, 20], [False, 80]])

From minimum MDAO balance and above:

IS_WINNING_TICKET = random([[[True, 10], [False, 90]])

The Lottery stage lasts for two hours and then the next stage begins.

Allocation Payment stage

What happens during the Allocation Payment stage on MDAO Maker?

When a project on MDAO Maker enters the Allocation Payment stage, users will be able to pay for all or part of their winning tickets received in the preceding stage.

To do this, you will need to open MDAO Telegram Wallet → “Menu” → “MDAO Maker”. Then click “My IWO subscriptions”. Select the desired project and click “Pay for the Allocation”. Type in the line the number of winning tickets that you want the user to pay for and click “Pay”.

At this stage, you need to act as quickly as possible, because the number of tickets available for payment is less than the total number of winning tickets users have.

You can find out the total number of tickets available for payment on the MDAO Maker platform on the specific project page under TICKETS TO BE PAID:

You can also find out this information by going to the MDAO Telegram Wallet bot → “Menu” → “MDAO Maker”. Then click “My IWO subscriptions” and select the desired project. The “Number of tickets to pay” line will contain the information you need:

It would be best to set a reminder for the start time of the Allocation Payment stage.

You can find the start time of this stage on the MDAO Maker platform on the specific project page at the top of the page.

You need to go to the bot at this time and purchase an allocation if you have at least one winning ticket. Otherwise, others will pay for the allocation before you and payable tickets will run out.

How do you pay for allocations if you have at least 1 winning ticket?

First of all, you must have USDT in the BNB Smart Chain (BEP-20) on your MDAO Telegram Wallet balance. You can find out the amount of USDT you need for payment on the MDAO Maker platform on the page of a particular project in the PRICE PER ALLOCATION line:

Also here, in the TOKENS PER TICKETS line, you can find out how many project tokens you will receive for payment of one ticket.

We advise you to top up your wallet with USDT in advance for timely allocation payments.

To learn how to fund your MDAO Telegram Wallet with USDT, please read the instructions here


At the first two stages, Ticket Distribution and “Lottery,” you don’t need to perform any specific actions — the bot will do everything automatically. While these two stages are in progress, you can top up your MDAO Telegram Wallet with USDT in advance, so that you don’t have to do this in a hurry at the next stage.

At the Allocation Payment stage, you need to pay for your winning tickets as soon as possible, otherwise the tickets available for payment will run out as more active users will pay for them.




MarsDAO is a Web3 community and ecosystem of advanced products powered by the utility token MDAO.