How to participate in the TATSUMEEKO community round and pass KYC+AML

Published in
7 min readSep 25, 2022
  1. To see the list of projects on the MDAO Maker home page, go to the PROJECTS tab:

2. Once the Subscription stage begins, the inactive “Soon” button will change to Participate. Click on it:

3. On the project page, you can read all the information about the community round presented. Note that you will need to go through KYC and AML procedures to access the project allocation. If you agree to the terms, click Participate:

4. A pop-up window offers 2 options to open MarsDAO Wallet in Telegram. The first shows a QR-code that you need to scan with your phone, and the second is by clicking on Participate for the transition on the same device where you opened the site in your browser:

We’ll use a mobile device in this example, as you will need a high-resolution camera to pass KYC and AML procedures in the future.

If you don’t already have a MarsDAO Wallet created, start by clicking on “Start” or entering the “/start” command manually to get started.

5. After opening the MDAO MAKER section, notice that initially it will say “My KYC status: ⚠️Not Passed”:

Next, click on Available IWOs to see a list of current projects.

6. In the list of available projects, select TATSUMEEKO:

7. Next you can read all the information about the TATSUMEEKO project and Participate!

8. In the next step, you will see a warning about the need to pass KYC and AML verification. Once you have read it, you need to click on Pass KYC:

9. Next you will see a warning from Telegram about following an external link:

This is where the KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure with OnDato’s affiliate service begins. OnDato does not share any information with third parties and keeps all data only on its servers. All that OnDato will transfer to the MarsDAO Wallet is the status of verification. Including OnDato does not pass any personal information to MarsDAO Wallet support staff.

For more probability of passing the verification it is recommended to copy the link, open the browser Chrome or Safari and paste the link into the address bar. Otherwise Telegram may open the link in its built-in browser, which may not be fully supported by the OnDato service.

10. First, an alert will open asking for consent to process personal data:

You must go down and give consent by clicking on I AGREE:

11. The second step will prompt you to select the appropriate document for verification:

If your passport does not have MRZ (Latin letters and numbers at the very bottom of the passport’s spread), then such a document is not suitable. At the end of the verification the following status will show that the document is not suitable:

In this case an international passport (applicable for Russian and Belarus citizens) or a driver’s license will do. Please note that the document must be valid at the time of verification. Let’s look at the example of a passport:

12. Click START. Then there will be several requests to turn on the video camera (if this is the first attempt) — you need to allow it, and then to take a picture of the front of the driver’s license in this way:

13. If all characters are readable and clear, and there is complete confidence that such a document will pass inspection — press CONTINUE. Otherwise, press REPEAT and take a photo of the document with the defects corrected.

14. If you are using a driver’s license or ID card to verify your identity, take a photo of the back of these documents. In this case, a message will appear asking you to take a photo of the back of your driver’s license.

15. If you use a driver’s license or ID card to verify your identity, after taking a photograph of the back of the document, press START and repeat steps 12–13.

16. The next step is to take selfies. You need to prepare to take a photo like on a document with a neutral background. No other people or objects should be on the screen. If you’re ready, press START:

17. The app will constantly tell you what you need to do. For example, in this screenshot, you can see that you need to move closer. You will need to take several photos. The app itself takes the photo, so just follow the simple requirements, and the oval in the app should match the oval of your face as closely as possible, in which case the process will take just a couple of seconds:

18. If everything is done correctly, the OnDato data check begins. You need to wait for it to finish to find out the result. While you are waiting, the statuses will change several times so that you understand which steps have been passed. At the end there will be either a message describing the error and offering to go through again, or a message that the check was successful:

19. If this message appears, it means you successfully passed the KYC check, and you can click on CONTINUE:

If there is a prompt as shown above — select Telegram and open it. It should contain a message that KYC has been successfully passed.

20. You need to go to the project page. You can do this by going to Menu → MDAO Maker → Available IWOs, find TATSUMEEKO and click Participate:

21. At this step, you will see a warning about the second verification step — AML. The specialized service Amlbot is used to check your AML status. After reading the text, you need to click Pass AML:

22. After which a message should immediately appear that the AML verification payment was successful. The user is not charged anything for this project, but the following projects will require payment. The validity period of one AML verification is 14 calendar days.

23. Then you have to wait for the verification results. In the case of a positive verification you will see the following message:

24. You need to go to the project page as in point 20, you can do this by going to Menu → MDAO Maker → Available IWOs, find TATSUMEEKO and click Participate:

When this message appears, you need to top up your wallet with a certain amount of MDAO.

25. If everything is done correctly, you will see a confirmation of your participation in the project:

26. Next, you need to follow the next stages of the community round and actively participate in them.




MarsDAO is a Web3 community and ecosystem of advanced products powered by the utility token MDAO.