26 things you need to know about AI

This is how artificial intelligence is changing the world

MaRS Discovery District
MaRS Magazine
4 min readDec 12, 2017


Prepared by Max Hickey, Dan Liu, Jason Moody, Nirusan Rajakulendran and Deanna Schmidt, research analysts with MaRS Market Intelligence


The number of times by which the human brain is more powerful than the fastest super computer. Source: Frost & Sullivan: Future of Artificial Intelligence, April 2016


Projected value of global AI market (in billions of US dollars) in 2022. Source: MarketsandMarkets: Artificial Intelligence Market, 2017


Number of bots — AI-assisted software programs — on Facebook Messenger


Percentage of US smartphone owners who use AI-based personal assistants 10 times a month (on average)


How many millions of miles the Google Car has driven autonomously


Billions of US dollars saved annually by introducing chatbots to retail, e-commerce, banking and healthcare

How AI is changing healthcare


Predicted size (in billions of US dollars) of the AI health market by 2021


Number of healthcare-related AI (finance) deals completed by mid-2016, as opposed to 20 in 2012


Projected market (in billions of US dollars) for AI in the healthcare sector in 2022. Source: MarketsandMarkets: Artificial Intelligence Market, 2017


Trillions of data points used (in big-data analytics) to assess a single tissue sample. Source: MarketsandMarkets: Artificial Intelligence Market, 2017


Millions of healthcare claim records that IBM Watson Health has in its dataset


Potential annual savings (in billions of US dollars) that AI could provide US healthcare by 2026


Estimated value (in billions of US dollars) in 2026 of robot-assisted surgery for procedures like cardiothoracic, gastrointestinal and neurosurgery — currently considered AI’s leading contribution to healthcare

The impact of AI on our planet


Average annual reduction (US dollars) on American household energy bills using the Nest Learning Thermostat


Percentage of global energy companies adopting AI as a core technology. Source: McKinsey Global Insights Artificial Intelligence Discussion paper: Artificial Intelligence, The Next Digital Frontier


Potential fuel savings (per cent) for airlines that use AI to optimize flight patterns. Source: McKinsey Global Insights Artificial Intelligence Discussion paper: Artificial Intelligence, The Next Digital Frontier


Number of megawatt hours the Ontario power network could save per day by applying AI technologies — enough to power 35,000 homes


Percentage reduction in amount of electricity needed for cooling Google data centres using machine learning


Weight saved (in kilos) by using AI generative design and bionic partitions on the Airbus A320

How AI will change the future of work


Estimated percentage of reduction in banking jobs due to automation over the next decade. Source: Frost & Sullivan: Artificial Intelligence versus Augmented Intelligence in Financial Services, August 2017


US service and warehouse jobs (in millions) at high risk of displacement in the next five to 10 years due to AI


Number of direct net-new jobs that will be created worldwide by 2021 driven by AI in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software


Millions of new jobs needed in the US to replace those lost to AI in the next two decades


Number of vehicle operators (in millions) who could be replaced by driverless vehicles in the US


Percentage of workers globally who suspect their employers are capturing data about them without their knowledge


Percentage of Canadian companies that have adopted (or are starting to adopt) cognitive and AI technologies

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This article appears in MaRS, a journal conceived to reflect the creative spirit of our urban innovation hub, as well as the cultural and economic diversity of Toronto.



MaRS Discovery District
MaRS Magazine

MaRS Discovery District is a global innovation hub connecting science, technology & social entrepreneurs with business skills, networks & capital. MaRSDD.com