An Open Letter to Suella Braverman

Queer Kari
Marsha’s Brick
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2023
By UK Government — Cabinet Ministers Announcements, CC BY 2.0,

Dear Suella

I am sorry to be the one to tell you this, but someone has too. You may be British, you may be well educated and you may have the perfect accent.


You will never be, to quote my estranged mother, “Great British”. You can never put the “Great” in front of your British because you dear Suella are not white.

Within the trans community there are a few stand out characters who bravely fight to harm their fellow trans people. Blaire White, Rose of Dawn and Debbie Heyton to name a few. They all snuggle up to their right wing conservative cliques. They parrot vile rhetoric and spread lies about trans people all in order to curry favour with the “plantation owners”.

In Apartheid South Africa, some black political parties allied themselves with parts of the then South African regime. They acted as foot soldiers and informants for the security forces.

During World War 2, there were SS divisions staffed entirely of Croatian Muslim soldiers.

You know what these wildly different groups have in common besides that you hate all of them. Filthy Muslims from the Balkans, black people from Africa, transsexuals?

Blaire White is still misgendered by Ben Shapiro. Black collaborators and informants to the apartheid security forces didn’t get a special “opt out” of segregation and marginalization. Muslim Croats were still filthy Slavs in the Third Reich.

They are you.

So you see Suella, no matter how hard you try to impose the most disgusting form of bigotry onto Britain via your government post, you will always have “a touch of the tar brush”. While you do the bidding of those whose ranks you wish to ascend to you can never be one of them. While one day you may earn the title of “Dame” or “Baroness” you will never crack the knot and get into the Great British club.

Your bigotry and hate is founded on your own inadequacies and self loathing. Your inferiority complex drives you to build a pile of corpses of people just like you, to stand on. In the vain hope that it will elevate you to the level of equality with your peers from public school. The problem for you is that no matter how high you pile those bodies, no matter how many sexes you define and how many little boats you sink, your skin is still not white.

There is no bleach strong enough to make you one of them. They use your kind, they don’t keep your kind.

Suella, you’re British but you’re still not white enough for Boris and Nigel.

You should know better.

No doubt you do know that when many of your Tory colleagues call you “one of the good ones” they don’t mean lawyers, they mean immigrants from the colonies. You do know that behind closed doors many of them think you should piss off back to Pakistan. They don’t even have the decency to know you come from England.

Of course, had the British government been as rabid about keeping out the migrants back in the 1970s, you would probably not come from England. Had the British government been as disgusting, racist, homophobic and transphobic as you are attempting to make it now, you may have been born in a third world country and you may have found yourself on a little boat in the channel now.

You may be an intolerant white supremacist, a homophobe and a transphobe but you will never be good enough for the side you have chosen.

To them you, a person of colour, are the same scum as me, a trans woman.

You are just currently useful.

I will be there to say I told you so when you cease to be useful.

