Cis isn’t a slur, but it should be.

Queer Kari
Marsha’s Brick
Published in
4 min readFeb 29, 2024
Elon is a little whiny bitch and shame on his parents for raising such a weakling.

What exactly makes trans people special?

Absolutely nothing and that is the problem.

Well it highlights the problem or at least brings the problem into sharper focus. Its not actually the problem.

What is the problem then?

The problem with trans people is cis people. Cis people are the problem and the solution to this problem is cis people need to grow up and stop being little bitches about it.

As a trans person, I am over it, to me it’s no biggie.

Its the same problem heterosexual people have with homosexual people. In the case of the LGB part of the community heterosexual people need to get over the fact that some people love people of the same sex as themselves.

Activist? or Whiny entitled Karen having a hissy fit?

That’s it, that’s the entire problem.

Its not complicated, some dudes like doing the whole love, relationship, sex, family thing with other dudes. Same with some women. There are also bisexual and pansexual people and they are no more exciting than people who engage in romantic relationships with people who may or may not have the same gender as them. Asexual people just don’t do the whole sex thing, its a complete non issue for them. just like it should be a non issue for the cis heteros that surround us.

Do we need science to explain this “deviant behavior” or do we need the snowflakey heteros to grow the fuck up and get over it?

Imagine being such a child that you have an issue with consenting adults or adults that aren’t into sex at all? Well look no further than your nearest heterosexual person. It’s taken decades to get the bulk of them to accept that this is just the way of things. Sadly some of them are still throwing little tantrums and they need to grow up.

When it comes to trans people, there are exactly three things trans people are asking society to accept. We are not asking you to go along with some delusion. We are not asking you to change your entire society. We are not asking you to dismantle the “traditional family structure”, whatever the fuck that is anyways.

  1. We are asking you to accept that some women have a penis, a penis they may or may not change.
  2. We are asking you to accept that some men have a vagina, a vagina they may or may not change.
  3. We are asking you to accept that some people don’t fall into the neat gender boxes you like and love so much and they are called non binary.

That’s it.

That is the sum total of the entire LGBTQIA+ community and its needs within society.

We simply need cis heterosexual society to grow the fuck up and be realistic.

Why some segments of the population need to throw tantrums about this is beyond me. When I look at anti-LGBTQIA+ activist, I don’t see “concerns” or “valid questions”, I see people having a meltdown because someone is different to them.

We shouldn’t take these tantrums seriously, we should call them what they are: childish tantrums.

Right after this photo was taken, this asshole started sobbing because someone asked him to define “gawd”

Coincidentally this is the sum total of the problem with racists as well, some people are different, get fucking over it and stop being a little bitch about it.

When not whining about how vaginas need to be drier, this crap weasel whines about trans people and thinks two dudes getting married is the downfall of society. No dude, you’re just a tad melodramatic and childish that's all.

Chaya Raichik, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Matt Walsh, Posie Parker etc are just little childish assholes throwing a tantrum and so are you if you can’t grow up and get over it.

Whiny entitled Karens whining about how some people are different.

PS. Graham Linehan is such a pathetic baby about trans people existing his wife and kids left him. I feel like he needs his binky and favorite pacifier so he can calm down a tad.

At least my mother left my father due to him being an alcoholic, not because he was a whiny child who just couldn't get over trans people. When you out pathetic someone drinking wine for breakfast, Fuck, that's the peak of pathetic.

