Gender Criticals, Transphobes, Matt Walsh and Suella Braverman are right….Kinda.

Queer Kari
Marsha’s Brick
Published in
7 min readNov 1, 2022

Transphobes, Gender Criticals, Republicans, Tories and Suella Braverman are right. The transes are coming for you and your kids.

Society is an evolving entity and right now we have identified an unsuccessful mutation. That unsuccessful mutation is dying. Unfortunately its death will be slow, messy and it may yet kill the fittest amongst us.

Let’s examine this mutation, let’s explicitly label the beast and understand what exactly is dying. Maybe then we can understand exactly what will survive and what will be left of them.

Much like bacteria, society is an evolving entity.

Bacteria play their eternal game of survival and adaptation against antibiotics. Society, on the other hand, is forged between the hammer of progressivism and the anvil of conservatism. The progressives seek to adjust society to “the new”. While conservatives seek to preserve the status quo. One constitutes a series of new mutations in an attempt to accommodate changing environments or understandings of the individual. The other seeks to preserve accepted adaptations that have proved to be functional within previously accepted parameters.

When society encounters a specific group that defies conventions. That group is identified by some distinguishing characteristic from the social majority. This identified group is then pressed into the role of the minority. As the broader society becomes more aware of this group, be it ethnic, religious or otherwise. The conservative elements of society buck against acceptance and exploration. However, progressive members of the majority, via empathy, internal moral drives or curiosity, study and begin to understand the minority. If the minority bears no malignant qualities and poses some value to society, a counter movement to the conservatives will develop. With time the power in society will shift from the conservatives to the counter movement of progressive elements and general acceptance will occur. At this point conservatives struggle to adjust to the new status quo and conservatism morphs into bigotry.

Terms will develop to identify the conservative elements of society as bigots. Words like “racist”, “homophobe”, “anti-semitic” and now “transphobia”. Conservatives, now labelled bigots, fight against the labels and attempt to derail progressive acceptance of the minority.

The conservatives will resort to ever less logical and more malignant attempts at resistance and control. Ultimately the conservative faction will descend into open dishonesty about the minority in a last gasp attempt at maintaining the status quo. An excellent example of this would be Matt Walsh’s “What is a woman” and the entire republican party as well as all gender critical identified people.

This is what is happening now to trans and intersex people*. The struggle trans people now face is the point at which society is discovering that trans people pose no social malignancy and discovering the benefits to society that trans people carry. The problem is, the people who currently recognize this value are the conservatives and they are desperate to maintain the status quo. The conservatives saw it the moment they understood what trans means and they know it is the death knell for the patriarchy and the many evils of a biologically identified society.

Progressive society now needs to see and accept the value of what trans people offer. The conservative mutation that has already morphed into bigotry needs to die off (figuratively, please don’t harm bigots)

Trans people shake the bedrock of society because they alter our understanding of ourselves at the most fundamental level. While every culture has up until now had some form of “third gender” or limited understanding of transgender people. It is modern science that has provided, via study, treatment and understanding of trans people, a level of profoundness that cannot be ignored.

In the past society has accommodated trans people as eccentric beings who understood themselves to be outside the binary gender system. But modern science puts hormones into those trans blood streams and scans the brains of those trans bodies. What science tells us is that trans people are far more common and biologically rooted than mere eccentricity. Trans people take the idea that there is merely “man and woman” and shatters it.

Before the transgender moment, trans people were weirdo kinksters. Now they are respectable, functional members of society that people speak too and get ideas from. They produce an environment where “man” and “woman” are not biological categories, but are the understanding of oneself. They take the idea that humans are male or female and they throw it in the trash and replace it with “you are what you understand yourself to be”. When you truly grasp what a trans person is, you suddenly grasp that they do in fact herald an evolution of our species and our society. They are the harbingers of the death of the patriarchy. They will change language, they will turn “pregnant woman” into “pregnant person” and you will thank them for it.

Trans people bring with them the freedom from the enforced roles society places on you by dint of your external genitalia. Trans people produce the understanding that cis is not normal, it’s merely one possible understanding of the individual. Trans people produce an environment where cis or trans have no greater claim to a specific gender than either one.

The resultant is that only the individual can identify themself and no one can tell you who is the head of the household, who looks after the kids, who goes drinking with the boys, who likes fast cars, who wears pink, who earns the most and who carries a child.

Trans people herald a time where we will see cis woman electing to have or not have breasts. They bring with them the understanding that manhood is not what you have in your pants, but in your heart. We will see a time when a person may choose to halt puberty until they better understand themselves and it will be normal. It should already be normal. Why should people not be allowed to delay the onset of secondary sex characteristics until they are sure they want those characteristics?

We will see a future in which no gender is recorded on birth certificates. It is pure arrogance and ignorance that dictates the gender of an individual may be known by their genitals at birth and as such this must go. Already within trans spheres we see a separation of gender dysphoria from gender diversity. Trans people are already understanding that transition does not need to be triggered by misery but by the positive identification of one’s gender. To be explicit, if a trans person can involuntarily have a gender identity that differs from our current understanding of sex, why can cis people not voluntarily decide their gender is not tied to their genitalia? It therefore follows that the assignment of gender at birth is at best an educated guess and at worst the imposition of something that should be voluntary. Conservatives resist the idea that gender is, while linked, independent from sex, but as yet cannot provide any reason why that resistance is merited.

Detransitioners will cite social pressure to detransition in the vast proportion of cases. There is an incredibly small minority of people who do detransition and later claim that their initial transition was a mistake. I will state that their transition was not a mistake, at minimum it served the purpose of self exploration and understanding of the self. A person who identifies as trans masc (a trans man for the cis people here), has a double mastectomy and then later detransitions has not suffered irreparable damage, they merely have the scars to prove they know themselves. Similarly a trans femme (a trans woman for the cis here) who have GCS and later detransitions may not have a penis, but certainly has experience and a deeper understanding of themselves. Both of these detransitioners will retain sexual function, it may be an alternate sexual function to those prescribed by heteronormative society, but is it irreparable damage? I don’t think so, sexual function is as individual as the person.

Trans people take the idea of sexual orientation and throw it upon the trash pile of historic and petty ideas. The idea that sexual orientation needs to be a boxed and limited element is ridiculous. The only exclusions from sexual attraction is the absence of consent, beyond that what right has society to dictate or even question who an individual is romantically or sexually involved with and what their gender is. When consent can be competently given, what other criteria is required? (on that note, age gaps that create power imbalances are immoral, I am looking at you Matt Walsh and your sixteen year old should have kids crap)

My wife understands herself to be a heterosexual woman and she is married to a trans non binary femme. Why are these two things considered incompatible? Sexual orientation is a false set of parameters placed on the individual. When sex is viewed in the correct context of an identity and not an imposed definition, sexual orientation becomes a moot point. What loss does this pose to society? What impact beside granting greater levels of personal freedom does this pose?

Contrary to what terfs will tell you, the end results of the “transgender moment” and associated normalization of trans people are the exact goals we understand to be the goals of feminism. Feminism is not “sex based rights”, feminism is not the exclusion of trans women from woman’s spaces. It’s equality of opportunity and equity in society. It is the independence of woman from masculine authority. The concepts and ideals the trans community finds itself now inadvertently embracing are indeed those same goals. Trans rights are feminist rights.

The bigots are right, trans people are going to change the language, the culture and our very understanding of ourselves as sentient animals. Trans people truly push us beyond mere biological males and females.

The binary is dead and the patriarchy is one foot in the grave. Are you with us or merely whining about a time past?

* I will identify a group of people as “trans” or “transgender” below. I mean this to encompass transgender and intersex people as I believe that transgender people are a form of intersex. This does not mean I am transmed, just that I believe the mind is a function of the brain. I do not agree with labelling intersex people as “having or suffering some form of DSD” as it is my opinion that trans and intersex are both part of the same family of variance and are normal states and not disorders.

