Legal immigration is ruining British culture and society

Queer Kari
Marsha’s Brick
Published in
4 min readOct 6, 2023

according to at least one legal immigrant.

Below is a link to a Pakistani immigrant laying out the case for his deportation. Enjoy.

Once again I will be writing an article about Britain that will require a reference to my time in Apartheid South Africa. If I was British this would concern me. I am, however, not British so I don’t care.

Right then, when apartheid fell in 1994, a lot of white people packed up for whiter pastures. The great brain drain of the mid nineties hit SA hard.

I left during the second brain drain. I left due to a failing economy, not political reasons and certainly not because I thought the democratically elected and legitimate ANC government was oppressing white people.

In South Africa, when apartheid ended in 1994, a lot of panic set in amongst the white population. Consequently, a mythology developed amongst young white people who felt the need to leave South Africa before South Africa actually became African.

We all knew a friend of a cousin of an acquaintance who had emigrated and told tales of brave Ulysses and lots of money. Amongst the white population that had finished school but not attended any tertiary education a set of rumors began to emerge. The story was that one could make a killing by packing fish in Alaska, working on oil rigs or doing blue collar jobs in the UK. We don’t need to discuss fish packing or oil rigging. It’s the waitering in the UK that is interesting here.

19 year old South Africans during the 90s were informed by the cohort of South African wait staff in the UK that British people were unwilling to be waiters, bricklayers or anything blue collar.

The lassitude of British kids was blamed on soft lifestyles and laziness.

On a side note, I would just like to point out that no person has had as soft a life as a 19 year old white person in 1997 South Africa. I was 18 in 1997 and had I been black, I would not have made it to college, nevermind finish a course and get a job. I, like the rest of my white South African siblings are the product of White Privilege set to God Mode.

It came to be understood in 1997 South Africa that a very lucrative category of jobs in the UK were being subbed out to immigrants. Of course, these jobs weren’t lucrative, but they were being done by immigrants. Mostly because birth rate declines in first world countries, not lassitude. The British really did need third world immigrants to flip those burgers and wash those loos and it seemed they were prepared to pay minimum wage.

The end result, Britain really was subbing out the shit work in Britain to immigrants.

Things have not changed in the intervening 30 years. Britain is still subbing out its most unpalatable jobs to immigrants and the children of immigrants. Except these days, it’s not serving Nando’s and restroom maintenance. They are outsourcing the most British thing on the planet: bigotry.

Just a few days ago, Ben Habib appeared on GB News informing the UK that the government should be a little less eager to entertain legal immigration. He says that British culture has existed for well over a 1000 years and by letting foreigners in, the cohesion of the British public will be threatened and its culture replaced. He is concerned about the homogeneity of British society being harmed by legal immigrants.

I assume he is worried British Culture will be replaced by Islamic Culture. You know, the culture that one would find in Pakistani communities in Pakistan. Maybe he is concerned that more brown people will dilute the whiteness of the UK.

Of course, a white person from South Africa, like me, would have no idea about what that culture looks like or what diversity achieves. Luckily we have some brown immigrants to help us out..

Ben Habib, was born and raised in Pakistan. Perhaps he could enlighten us on the nature and threat posed by immigrant culture to British culture and a splash of brown on a very monochromatic palette.

Maybe he could motivate why he should be granted the right to dilute British culture and homogeneity as opposed to any other immigrant?

Perhaps Ben Habib is of the opinion the perfect dose of non white blood has been added to the Great British Bloodline at this point. If he allows any more people of color, it will become obvious that Britain isn’t so pure blooded anymore. Maybe Ben Habib just wants to maintain the appearance of racial hygiene. One more black person in the gene pool and the Third Reich will start noticing those skin tones are a little dark.

In 1022 ce, you couldn’t buy a Tikka Masala in London, now its the national dish. British culture is nicking other peoples culture. A quick visit to the British Natural history museum and even the weakest understanding of colonialism will confirm this for you.

Ben Habib you are railing against yourself. You’re doing the bigots dirty work and they are laughing at you.

At least burger flipping White South African immigrants had the good manners to be self aware enough to drop the racism and bigotry before they started calling themselves British.

