Love is Love, but apathy and self congratulation aren’t love.

Queer Kari
Marsha’s Brick
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2024
Imagine the massive party these guys had after the parade.

Dear Cis and Heterosexual people

It’s Pride month and I thought I should drop a note to the Straights.

Unfortunately, it’s not a nice note saying flowery things like “Love is Love”.

But it is short.

We, the LGBTQIA+ community, are scared and we are starting to think about The UK, The EU and The USA in the same way we think about countries with theocratic regimes.

Places like Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan.

Since the Palastinian Genocide has kicked off, I have seen more than one comment from a heterosexual telling a queer person to shut up about the murder of innocent Palastinians because Palastinians are muslims and they like tossing queers off the nearest, tallest building.

I don’t know about the state of LGBTQIA rights in Palestine, but I do know the state of LGBTQIA rights in the west and it ain’t good.

I know that there is a transgender moral panic driven by The Republican party in the USA, the Tories in the UK and right wing parties in most western democracies.

I know that the right wing is currently trying to undo marriage equality in western democracies.

I know there is a wave of hate crimes committed against the LGBTQIA community that is increasing at a frightening pace.

I guess what I am saying is that we know whats coming, we know who is causing it and I know the vast majority of cis heterosexual people are doing fuck all about it.

Thanks guys, we owe you one.

