On Chasers, dick pics and other offensive crap.

Queer Kari
Marsha’s Brick
Published in
6 min readDec 23, 2022

Yeah, we are talking junk today, like genitals and weirdos so be warned, this is rated NC-17

Look, I appreciate a good dick pic as much as the next lesbian. That is to say I don’t like poorly focused, badly lit images of some dudes junk sent to me for no other reason than I have boobs and exist on the internet. This being 2022, the phenomenon has been discussed ad nauseam. Apart from suggesting that producers of said pics should consider a more aesthetically pleasing approach, I don’t have much to add.

Guys, explore angles, lighting and composition.

One group that stands out as one of the more prolific producers of the Dick Pic are certainly chasers.

Oh crap, cis people, again? Do you people really know nothing?

A “chaser” is a person that has a special affection for a specific “type” of person, some may call it a fetish. In the context of trans people a “chaser” usually refers to cis men who have a thing for trans women. Specifically trans women who haven’t had genital reconfiguration surgery.

They are creepy as fuck and they like the lady-dick.

Which is kinda interesting, there is a large contingent of dudes on this planet that like women with penises. One could almost say there is a large contingent of men who have a genital preference.

Who’d thunk it

And that brings us to an interesting topic: genital preference.

Personally, I don’t get the fuss. A person I am going to get down with has a vagina, yay I like vagina.

A person I am going to get down with has a penis, yay I like penis.

A person I am going to get down with is intersex and they have ambiguous genitals, yay they have genitals, I like genitals.

I mean come on, it’s 2022, junk is junk okay, as long as it is clean, its edible.

However there has been some debate about genital preferences lately. The idea that having GP (I can’t be arsed to write the whole phrase, its GP now) has become a little controversial. The LGB Alliance and the BBC would like you to believe that lesbians are being forced into sex with trans women with penises despite having a preference for vaginas. Also the LGB Alliance and the BBC would like you to believe that trans people think you are transphobic if you do have a preference.

Spoiler, we don’t care what junk you like.

Again, I can’t believe we are discussing this. If you exclude people from your dating pool based on some specific to the individual characteristic, how is that a big deal? Also, if peer pressure is saying you’re a bigot for not sleeping with a trans woman, you need a better set of peers.

If you exclude trans women from your dating pool because they are trans, that’s cis-supremacy. That’s like saying you don’t date asian women or black people.

However if you don’t date a specific individual because that person has a specific element you don’t like, well that’s kinda how attraction works isn’t it. What’s the difference between a massive honking nose and a penis or a weird mole or ugly cargo shorts or using axe body spray. Take your pick, everyone has something kinda off about them and you have to pick what you can and cannot live with.

While I don’t understand it, I can certainly accept and support a lesbian who says she doesn’t date women who have penises because she doesn’t like penis. It’s when she starts saying “I don’t date trans identified males” that we stray from the preference of one genital configuration above the other into invalidation of the individual’s identity based on our own opinions. When that happens we have drifted into the land of bigotry. We have shifted from the appreciation of one physical form to the dehumanisation of another. To be blunt that’s a you problem not a trans person problem. The character flaw resides in the person who views another as lesser and as such unlovable.

Hold on, did I just make the argument that genital preference is valid and the exclusion of certain potential partners based on group identification as opposed to individual characteristics is equivalent to racism or transphobia or cis-supremacy, a form of bigotry.

If I did, that means I have just removed the “creepy” label from chasers and stuck it on the trans woman who dismisses any dick pic posting cis dude as “chaser”.

Oh God, I feel ill.

But that’s exactly what I am saying and what I intended on saying. As a trans person I get to wrestle with a lot of society’s ideas about the individual, their identity and validity. I don’t necessarily want to play this game of philosophical examination of society. However once you step beyond the false boundaries of what society deems “normal” you gain perspective and you start to think. You are offered a choice when you find yourself on the outside looking in, you can choose to be intellectually honest or you can find a way of dealing with your cognitive dissonance. You can choose to find common ground in previously dismissed corners and be fair in your thoughts or you can find fault in all but yourself.

Many people will read my work and dismiss me as an extremely woke contrarian, I don’t have such a lofty view of myself. I am just someone who was forced to think about themself and their place in society. As such, I choose to look beyond the poorly lit dick pics and I see something that needs illumination.

So let’s look at that grainy, veiny, dick pic together and consider the chaser fairly, after all they have considered me fairly….often I suspect…….. or hope, I’ll leave it to your imagination.

Undoubtedly there are several motivations for what drives the behaviour typically labelled “chaser”.

There will naturally be those cis men who consider themselves to be “heterosexual” but feel the desire for some level of sexual interaction with men but do not want the “ickyness” of homosexuality to result in disgust for the self. They see trans women as “Gay-Lite”, they see trans women as not really men so fucking them surely allows for a post coital regret loophole. For these fine specimens of masculinity I have some bad news, “Gay” or “Homosexual” is not who you fuck, its who you are. Time to grow up and accept that urge to smoke pole is kinda gay. You are at minimum bisexual. Don’t worry boys, there is a place for you at Pride 2023.

There will also be those cis men who only date trans women, not because they have any affection for the individual but are driven by some weird sex fetish. Personally I am not into kink, but I don’t see a problem with kink. However people are not sex toys. So if you are looking for a consenting partner in crime, that’s cool. But if you are looking for a living breathing fleshlight, thats gross and you are dodgy as fuck.

Now that we have thinned the herd, we are left with cis men who date trans women because they have a preference for penis. I don’t mean cis men who understand trans women are women and as such include them in the “potential dating pool”. I am specifically talking about a cis man who understands trans women are women but has a genital preference, for girl-dick.

As I pointed out earlier, genital preferences are valid. We accept that some people just favour certain genital configurations and when that preference is devoid of fetish, it’s morally and ethically acceptable. If a lesbian can be regarded as valid in not dating a woman with a penis, we must then accept that a man who dates a woman with a penis is just as valid. This means that as trans people we have to accept that some of those dick pics are coming from people who kinda want a dick pic in return as it were. We can’t call these men “Chasers” unless we are prepared to start calling anyone else with a genital preference “Chaser”.

I kinda agree with those guys from the Transamorous Network.

They are trans-amorous and valid as fuck.

Maybe they could word it a little better, maybe they could look at the aesthetics of how they engage with trans women. But ultimately, they are not the bad guys, they are just dudes who like a lady with a penis.

Guys, please ask before sending a dick pic, and please explore your artistic side when snapping the pic. Some people do want those pics, they just wish you would ask first, be more fun and arty. Otherwise, go wild and enjoy consensual genital preference with the trans girl of your dreams.

Oh and maybe be a little more subtle when you shoot your shot.

Like don’t say “You look trans and I love trans women”, you make us feel clocked, badly. Start with something like “God! you’re gorgeous, if you were trans, you’d be called a trap”

Lesbians, you can use that line too, it’s kinda naughty and nice.

