Organized Hate

Queer Kari
Marsha’s Brick
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2024
Is this the love thy neighbor guy or the God hates F&gs guy?

I have tried to write an article on Christianity a few times now.

It hasn’t been going well.

I can’t find a suitable, humorous or intelligent way to broach the topic.

I don’t want to offend the frighteningly few actual Christians I know, those that actually take the teachings of Jesus to heart. I also don’t want to kowtow to the unbelievably sick festival of hate that is organized modern Christianity.

The sad fact is there is a lot of space between the teachings of Jesus and the modern church.

If we exclude the people who actually follow the teachings of Jesus, and we use the term “Christian” to label the members of the hate cult we call the Christian church. We leave an opening for every “Christian” to decide they are a “true Christ follower” and by doing so they will feel I am speaking about everyone except themselves.

Once we get past who I am speaking about, we run into what we need to speak about.

I cannot even decide what part of the whole objectionable mess to focus on. Christianity today is a never ending litany of who and what they hate and how they are abusing them.

If I say Jehovah’s Witnesses, you think of weirdos who think it’s better that a child dies than accept a blood transfusion.

I shun the watch tower….

If I say Mormons, you think magic underwear, polygamy and racism.

That's a lot of wives, the magic underwear must have cost a fortune.

If I say catholic church, you think this article is an exposé on child abuse or Nazi war criminal smuggling.

A dude in a dress so terrified of the Libs of TikTok fans he has armed body guards and bulletproof glass.

If I say evangelical Christian, you think of sex obsessed anti abortion activists in really long dresses whining about modesty.

Modern Christianity in a nutshell

If I say Hillsong, you think of Justin Bieber and his weirdo pastor having an affair with the babysitter.

Well, when I think Christian Pastor I worry about the babysitter.

If I say Christian, invariably you think of anti-LGBTQIA+ activists and anti-marriage equality activists.

If same sex marriage dooms nations, then perhaps those nations were little whiny snowflakes that couldn’t take the heat.

What you didn’t think about is “a peaceful religion centered on the love of your fellow human” and that is the problem. Christianity is no longer about Christ, it’s about who you can hurt and how hard you can hurt them.

Modern Christianity is a hate cult and I don’t know who to feel sorry for, the Christians who actually follow Christ or the people Christians harm.

