The Daily Slow boiling frogs of TikTok

Queer Kari
Marsha’s Brick
Published in
8 min readFeb 22, 2024

We all know about the Holocaust.

Spoiler, it didn’t.

Even holocaust deniers know what really happened, they are just dishonest about it.

In fact the trajectory from early Nazi antisemitism to the final solution is possibly the most cited example of the proverbial “slow boiling frog”.

There is a problem though. When speaking about the holocaust we tend to speak about the consequences of Nazi ideology for Jewish people, Roma, the LGBTQIA+ community and disabled people.

We forget to speak about John C Woods, that most incompetent hero. We forget that some people like slow boiled frogs.

Hanging out at Nuremberg again.

Nazis wanted Jews, Roma, Gays and the disabled dead and similarly the modern proto-Nazis want the same people dead. Well, they don’t say dead, not even to themselves, but they do want them gone. This means that when we focus on the consequences of the holocaust for the victims, we are talking about the suffering for which some of the audience is enthusiastic. We may be highlighting the immorality and inhumanity of Nazi ideology, but for some of us, the immorality and inhumanity is rather comfortable.

It is to these enthusiastic people I would like to introduce John C Woods.

Of course no one today, except Kanye West, will publicly say the Nazis were okay.

That Kanye.

In fact many of those covert proto-Nazis of today don’t know they are proto-Nazis. They don’t know because today their leaders don’t like to show the icky parts of nazism.

And you can’t be a Nazi without the icky parts, so no icky parts equals no Nazi.

But You know the icky parts. The emaciated people in striped pyjamas being herded into concentration camps. The images of innocent civilians lined up next to the mass grave they just dug, ready to be shot by brave SS soldiers. The thoughts of little kids being shoved into cattle cars only to be greeted by Zyklon B on the other side because they were not useful workers. Those icky parts.

The victims of the holocaust were not the slow boiled frogs, they were gassed, shot, drowned, euthanized and experimented on. The perpetrators were the slow boiling frogs. The whole German population, the collaborators in Vichy France, in the Ukraine and in many other countries were the slow boiled frogs.

They don’t show those icky parts because those icky parts come at the end, not the start and it doesn’t help to spoil the ending. You may jump out of the pot if you know how hot it’s going to get.

Worse yet, some of these proto-Nazis are Jewish and lack the self awareness to be better people, but certainly know how to use their Jewishness as a defensive shield.

After all, Its 2024, we are diverse and inclusive now. Even jews, black people and gay people can be Nazis today.

and Jewish, today’s hate is very diverse.

And by Nazi I don’t mean well dressed fashionistas wearing Hugo Boss. I mean people who are just fine with the marginalization, intimidation and eventual death of a segment of the civilian population. After all, not every member of the Nazi party worked in a concentration camp. In fact most just spoke German.

But lets get back to John C Woods.

To know who John C Woods was, we first need to look at Julius Streicher. During the 1930s the Nazi Regime needed to light the gas under the pot that contained the slowly boiling frogs. Enter Julius Streicher and his newspaper “Der Stürmer”. With its ever more lurid articles that ran from the denunciation of individual jews to what has been classified as pornographic antisemitism.

Can you say……

Julius Streicher was a virulent antisemite, so much so that his fellow National Socialists regarded him as unhealthily obsessed with Jewish people. He channeled this obsessive hatred into his newspaper, Der Stürmer. Whilst many Nazis viewed Julius Streicher as a bit extreme, he was a close personal friend of Adolf Hitler.

The Nazi party endorsed Der Stürmer and even had it posted on public notice boards so the public could read the articles without having to buy the paper. Apart from Der Stürmer, Julius Streicher wrote several children's books, extremely antisemitic children's books

“The Poisonous Mushroom” a book by Julius Streicher in which Jewish people were portrayed as poisonous mushrooms that harmed society
“Trust no fox on his green heath and No Jew on his oath” also by Julius Streicher, I don’t need to explain this one.
A Nazi Book Burning, a lot of book burnt and consequently banned in the Third Reich were from Magnus Hirschfeld's library. A library dedicated to the study of the LGBTQIA+ community, probably the first of its kind.
Matt Walsh, of the Daily Wire, strongly implies that transgender people are mentally ill and probably deranged in this book called “Johnny the Walrus”, available on Amazon. Apparently anti trans kids books are in. With Moms for liberty and Ron Desantis banning books that even mention LGBTQIA+ people its a case of deja vu

Julius Streicher had a lucrative career that was extremely influential on German society, until the seventh of May 1945 that is. Accountability came a knocking on the twentieth of November 1945 and ended with Julius Streicher meeting John C Woods on the sixteenth of October 1946.

John C Woods was an extremely incompetent hangman who happened to work for the American Army. He was tasked with executing those for whom a death sentence had been handed down at the Nuremberg trials.

At the Nuremberg Trials Julius Streicher was found to be an integral element within the machinery that had been tasked with taking the German public from the liberal Weimar Republic to the Zyklon B of the Final Solution. Without Streicher there could be no roundups of Jews, Homosexuals, Transgender people, Roma and disabled people. Without Streicher there was no complicit and compliant fellow travelers in German society. Goebbels may have been the scheming monster behind the marketing of holocaust, but it was Julius Streicher that put pen to paper every week and incited a genocide.

In between selections and Zyklon B, I bet SS Guards read Der Stürmer. If it happens again, will they be reading this assholes rags?

Julius Streicher was found guilty of incitement to genocide and for this he received the death penalty.

An excerpt from the judgement against Julius Streicher reads:

“For his twenty-five years of speaking, writing, and preaching hatred of the Jews, Streicher was widely known as “ Jew-Baiter Number One.” In his speeches and articles, week after week, month after month, he infected the German mind with the virus of anti-Semitism. and incited the German people to active persecution. Each issue of “Der Stürmer”, which reached a circulation of 600,000 in 1935, was filled with such articles, often lewd and disgusting”.

And here we get to the part that is important for Chaya Raichik, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Rupert Murdoch, The British Press/Media, Posie Parker, Ron Desantis, Christopher Rufo etc and maybe even you. John C Woods didn’t use the long drop method that breaks necks and kills instantly. He used the standard drop, that is where the condemned is hanged in such a manner that they die by strangulation. To make matters worse, the trapdoor was too small. Resulting in the condemned suffering head injuries as they smashed into the woodwork on the way down. Julius Streicher moaned, kicked, bled and suffocated for 15 terrible minutes before he was declared dead.

It is with this in mind that I look at the stochastic terrorism committed by the likes of The Libs of TikTok, aka Chaya Raichik, and ask:

Are we going to get to the point where we have another series of Nuremberg Trials? Are we going to a place that ends in today’s hate, hate you have incited, is classed as incitement to genocide and ends in the hanging of the perpetrators? Will today’s hate mongers stop before the hate boils over and we have a Queer Kristallnacht? Where does this end? Before or after you have incited genocide? Will you stop before you become the perpetrators?

I am not driving this car so I cannot tap the brakes and stop this train. The media and public figures are behind the wheel. We are on a road that leads to people like me being gassed and today’s Streicher being hanged afterwards.

Brianna Ghey, a sixteen year old kid was stabbed to death because she was trans.

Nex Benedict, a non binary child died the day after being beaten in a bathroom at school during a transphobic attack. Currently the exact cause of their death is unknown and it may or may not be a direct result of the attack. It is known Nex was bullied at school because they were trans.

A teenage transgender girl was stabbed fourteen times after being subjected to anti trans abuse at a birthday party in london.

Between Trans day of Remembrance 2022 and Trans day of Remembrance 2023, thirty three trans and gender non conforming people were violently killed in the USA.

Schools and Hospitals have been victims of bomb threats after Chaya Raichik posted incendiary content about them.

Hate crimes against the LGBTQIA+ community have skyrocketed in recent years. Just like antisemitic hate crimes skyrocketed in Germany when the Nazis took power. In both instances, the media and vocal stochastic terrorists have incited the public.

kristallnacht was no accident.

Julius Streicher never got his own hands dirty, he merely stoked the fires of hate until others would. So if the suffering of the victims of the holocaust does not deter you, then at least be fearful of the fate that befell those who allowed their obsessive hate to take the lead before you do the same. Be fearful of the consequences you now court with your stochastic terrorism and incitement to hate.

As you sow, so shall you reap.

Personally, if I was Brianna Ghey’s parents I would be seeking to take the above-mentioned stochastic terrorists and hate mongers to court for wrongful death via incitement. I would encourage Nex’s parents to sue the school that didn’t stop the bullying for wrongful death. There needs to be consequences now for the hate so there are no hangings later as a result of the hate.

The Holocaust didn’t work out well for anyone.

