The United Shame of America

Queer Kari
Marsha’s Brick
Published in
3 min readSep 27, 2022

If you are an american citizen, you should be ashamed of your country.

Not so long ago, the governors of texas, arizona and florida started sending migrants and asylum seekers to “democrat” states. Relocating migrants and asylum seekers is not in itself a problem. People should be located in areas best suited to their needs and texas border towns may not be those places.

But that’s not what is happening here.

13 000 Migrants have been recruited, placed on buses or planes and shipped to places not expecting them. In fact they are being shipped to places specifically for political impact. These people are being lied to and misled. I have seen reports that they have been told to specifically report to ICE facilities in a manner that may result in their deportation.

ron de santis, greg abbott and doug ducey are all the children, grandchildren or great grandchildren of immigrants. Their forebears were once those poor, wretched masses clambering for a new life. The border states take in money from the federal government specifically to accommodate migrants. Then turn around and send unwitting victims to unprepared and unsuitable places in an effort to “own the libs”.

Of course the democrats could point out that the “libs” at martha’s vineyard helped out with food and got them relocated to the correct place to apply for entry permits and such. However what the people of martha’s vineyard did was the bare minimum. The bare minimum that should have been done by state officials, instead you have politicians wasting money on sending migrants to holiday towns.

The federal government has not been seen to do anything to stop this taxpayer funded atrocity. In fact, your government has allowed the right to bodily autonomy to be stripped away from women. They have failed to protect the LGBTQIA community from the smoldering human rights offence growing in republican states. You have little people on TikTok sic’ing gangs of thugs on doctors and hospitals for doing their jobs. Your most popular news commentator is tucker carlson who ding dongs between railing against the metric system, the vocabulary of the vice president and false claims of election fraud.

And now this?!?

From people who mandate “in god we trust” on damn near everything?

From the people in an area called “the bible belt”?

When the thing that stands between state sanctioned abuse and de-fraudment of migrants are a few rich people in a holiday town, you have a problem. When the kindness of strangers is your only good news, you have failed.

america, hang your head in shame for your country has taken to using human beings as political missiles in a game of bigotry.

If you wonder at my lack of capitalization of nouns, its because I cannot grant your country or leaders the respect of capital letters.

Your true colors are showing and they are sickening.

At the statue of liberty, there is a plaque.

“Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

It does not say “turn away those brown folk from the south”, it does not say “bring me your money and piss off”.

It says “Bring me your tired, your poor, your wretched refuse” and ends with “I lift my lamp beside the golden door”.

It says this because america once represented an open door to hope to a once great country that would take anyone and give to them the opportunity and equality denied by the hopeless hovels left behind.

You should send the statue back to France, its a migrant you don’t deserve.

